After losing 2st and then nothing for 2 mths, one week on the NHS eating plan, I am overjoyed to report I have gone from 14.11 on MON to 14.6 this morning I actually cried and tried the scales 3 times before I believed it. Now I am away Sunday to Weds on a break, so I have to be extra careful not to over do it, but there will be a lot of walking so finger crossed I might even do a little more. Beyond pleased with myself that I didn't give up over the hard weeks and now noticing the changes in my body 😁
Beyond pleased: After losing 2st and... - Weight Loss Support
Beyond pleased

Great news, JM
Why not join the Feelgood Friday weigh in team? Just follow the link to Pinned Posts that TabbyCat gave you when she welcomed you a few days ago
Sorry not good at finding my way around will try and find the link
There's a lot going on here so it can take a while to find your way around
Here's the link to Pinned Posts Scroll through them and you'll find the weigh in is the third post. Just Reply to the host, rather than clicking Write. And have a look at the Daily Diary and all the other Pinned Posts while you're there
Aw, well done that is amazing, I guess that’s a lesson to us all never give up just keep going. It’s so good that you didn’t give up, even if we have to change what we have been doing it proves there is always a way. A big well done, I find posts like yours so inspirational that it keeps me focused and keeps me going. 😊
Thank you so much Flo-jo, it's been really hard not to just give up and settle for the 2st,but for the first time in my life I didn't cave in. Mind you I have my husband doing the weight loss with me and giving me encouragement every day not to give up. So if it does help someone else not to give up that's amazing.
Hi JuneMc19, I am sure your post will encourage lots of people not just myself. I am glad you have a partner encouraging you along. I have almost lost two stone, just half a pound short . Reading your post definitely is encouraging me to continue, it’s so easy to give up, I have felt like it at times however I have managed to just accept that I will get cravings and have to just ignore them, they really don’t last that long. Every Friday I fancy a glass of wine, I haven’t drunk any for 14 weeks, been good with everything thus far, despite all sorts of cravings. Good luck to both you and your husband. i’ll get back to my water😁
Well done June for loosing 2stone. I am terribly over weight & feel terrible depressed about it. I know I should do more but I find it difficult I’ve never been this size. Do you know how the Nhs weight loss program works?
I checked out the website and then downloaded the app and there is a full meal plan on it and I am following that, and as I said it's kick started the weight loss, it is such hard work, but the feeling you will get as your body changes shape and clothes start to get loss it is well worth the hard work. I understand what you mean about being depressed, I have been very depressed over the last few months from several causes, my weight being a big cause. I decided no one else can do the weight loss except me and if I want to feel and look better it was in my hands. So don't give up have a look at the app and see if it gives you the Kickstart you need. Good luck and keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on.I am always happy to have a chat.

Look for the NHS Weight Loss App on the apps store of your phone. The symbol is a square with four coloured circles on it. Hope that helps

Hi, as well as joining The Autumn Challenge, would you like to join our Wednesday weigh in? Here's the link, I hope to see you there! x