Low motivation and emotional eating - Weight Loss Support

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Low motivation and emotional eating

Nocchu profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone, first time posting here!

I have really have been feeling terrible about myself lately. Before quarantine, my entire life I have always been physically fit and active but during lockdown I found out many horrible things and lots of events happened that caused me to gain 10kg within one month, for the first time in my life due to emotional eating. For starters, 10kg is a lot when you are 5’0 flat and a female (yes I am an adult just very petite haha) and every-time I try to get back into eating healthily like I used to, I just end up eating everything back later on at night to calm my emotions. I eat foods I actually really hate just because it distracts me from my thoughts (burgers, fries, pizza) and it just repeats in a cycle. I want to feel stronger and happier again but I find it so difficult. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? And regardless or not does anyone have any tips on getting out of this mindset and starting to lose the excess weight? Thank you :)

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Nocchu profile image
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9 Replies
DiamonteSandal profile image

Hi Nocchu :)

I can relate to what you are saying... I can (have) go for months knowing I need to rein myself in and be more mindful of my eating, yet seemingly being unable to do it.

Then suddenly, something clicks, it's like turning a page and I know that I am in the right frame of mind to do it. For me, until that happens, and sometimes it's triggered, other times not, I know I will struggle.

But I look at it like this: sometimes when life is throwing horrible things at you, unless your health is genuinely at risk through your eating choices, let your body have what it needs, knowing that you can deal with it later. Sometimes you need to focus on your soul and not your weight. Once that is better, you are stronger to deal with the weightloss and set yourself up for success.

I am guessing you are at that 'click' point, as you are here. (I only came back on Sunday so know what it's like). You've acknowledged that you are ready to deal with it, and have taken the first step. Now you just need to take the next one.... don't think of all the others, just focus on the now. There's a wonderful drawing by Charlie Mackesie, where the Boy cannot see the way forward. The Horse asks, "But can you see your next step?" and the Boy says, "yes". "Good," says the Horse. "Just take that".

If you are having struggles with your thoughts, then there are people better placed to give advice than me, but I wanted you to know that you have taken your first step. People here are really lovely, so stick with the group, take it day by day and celebrate the small wins and watch them grow into larger ones. :)

Climb007 profile image
Climb007 in reply to DiamonteSandal

So true. Well said. Thanks for motivating me too.

SofaJockey profile image

Hello Nocchu , welcome to the forum.

There are many people here who are very familiar with the journey you are on. As this is your first post, I thought I'd share some key things to know. 😄

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts: healthunlocked.com/weight-l...

You're very welcome to join some or all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially the weigh-in and the daily diary (pinned at the right of the page on a computer or scrolling to the bottom on a phone).

If you haven't already taken it, here's a tour of the forum:


I hope you'll find this a helpful place where you'll want to actively participate as that can be a helpful key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Best success with it. 😄

Hi Nocchu I'm so sorry you're struggling. I'm too tired to give you a proper reply (it's after midnight where I am and I've been awake since 5.30 a.m) but i just wanted to let you know you're not alone. And you've already taken the first step by coming on here.

Be kind to yourself and hang in there. Sending you a virtual hug 🤗 🧡

springersrule profile image

Hi Nocchu,

Firstly can i say you are not alone and well done for opening up on here about your struggles. You are clearly ready to stop this cycle of destruction and you couldnt have come to a better place for help and support. I know this because this group held me up over the weekend when i was in a very low mood.

At the moment, my weight loss journey is the one area of my life that i have control over and that certainly helps me to believe in myself.

Have you spoken to anyone in the medical profession for help with dealing with your struggles, sometimes someone neutral to talk to can be really helpful plus they can help in other ways, groups to join, medication if appropriate. Take every bit of help that is offered to ease the burden on yourself.

From a food perspective, when your mood is positive go shopping and get lots of lovely veg, meat etc. You can mix and match to suit you. Eat enough to make sure you're not hungry then when the munchies attack tell yourself i'm not hungry i dont need to munch then step away from the kitchen and do something to distract those cravings - put the tv on, the radio and have a dance, pick up a crossword or do a jigsaw, go for a walk etc, anything that you can absorb yourself into. When i started this latest weight loss journey i just ate less of the stuff i always ate but it wasnt particularly healthy. What has really helped me is cutting down on the carbs i ate. For me it really is true that the more carbs i eat the more i want to eat, of anything. It might be worth giving it a go. I honestly never feel hungry and havent had the munchies or even the thought of having munchies in 10 weeks. If you have a look through the daily diary posts on here it may give you new menu ideas that might help and give you a kick start, sometimes changing things up can give you the motivation needed to restart on a better path.

I hope there's something in my loooong ramblings (lol) that is helpful or indeed something in other posts that give you that "the light has come on" feeling. Please just ask if there's anything else any of us can help you with, we will all support you in any way we can.


zinza profile image

You are currently addicted to processed food. Don`t feel bad. It is addictive indeed. But you need to solve it as soon as possible before it`s too late (you have only 10kg to lose).

I would try to do a 1 week detox of everything: bread, pasta, cookies, crackers, pizza, cakes, fries, burgers, alcohol, etc. After that I would start planning a diet for middle/long term.

Believe me, once in my life I had only 10kg to lose but I did nothing. Now I have extra 30kg and this haunts me everyday.

Take care and count on us whenever you need.

Climb007 profile image

Welcome Nocchu

You have taken the first steps to tackle this . I agree with all of the above posts. Sorry this is a short post as I have to go to work .

This forum " saved me" from gaining a covid 30 during covid 19!!! Yes i could easily gain 30 lbs in a pandemic or any crisis!😊

Good luck . You can do it. X


Tony_Singh profile image

Hi there, I can relate to some of your sentiments, especially when the Covid Lockdown started in March of this year.

We must all recognise that there are issues with Covid the bodies respiratory system and those who suffer with obesity have a higher risk.

I took a great deal of comfort from Boris Johnson and his views on excersise and if we really care about the NHS about adopting a responsible diet.

I took the full pledge, not to hang out with dick heads, to give up all smoking ralated activities, to give up alcohol, to go vegetarian and start light jogging.

I now feel amazing and am more motivated and really enjoy going to work and feel good about protecting my respiratory system by not smoking, dealing with obesity by not using alcohol.

A plant based diet supported by dairy, fruit, legumes and multi vitamins is really working well for me.

I would even like to try my first official half marathon and the who knows.

Take comfort from these words take belief from true sentiment towards genuinely helping the NHS by reducing levels of obesity and prove to yourself that you really shall reap the rewards of a positive lifestyle be distancing yourself from the negative traits which are ruining the country.

Marcus Rashford has made himself to be a cult hero for many, how often do we see him getting lashed on alcohol, pigging out on McDonald's and visiting kebab and chicken shops.

The best thing they can do is to post his nutritional intake on the daily news programmes and for him to really show what walking the walk is rather than taking cheap shots at the likes of Boris Johnson and Matty Hancock when they really are trying to do the best for the people of this country.

I trust this helps, Kind regards, Tony Singh.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hello, a good tip would be to join our weigh in, here's the link to tomorrow's, hope to see you there! :-) x


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