Emotional eating: I have been bingeing... - Weight Loss Support

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Emotional eating

lindyloom profile image
25 Replies

I have been bingeing on biscuits today. We have been living in our caravan for 2 months until our house is ready to move into. We have started to bicker and it's upsetting my diet plans. Hopefully it will get better once we move in. We've always got on well together so can anyone help me stay on track.

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lindyloom profile image
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25 Replies
Mel31 profile image

That must be challenging cooking in a caravan too. What about stocking up with healthy snacks like grapes strawberries smoothie bowls etc. I’m sure once you move back in things will improve again.

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Mel31

Yes we are moving from the caravan site to our new house on Friday, so then it will be easier to make good food. Thanks for your reply and good luck with your weight loss.

lucigret profile image

Living in a caravan is a bit different to holidaying in one!

I would suggest that when the bickering is going on, get out and have a walk, weather permitting :) It can't be easy to be living in such close proximity for that length of time and I think bickering is quite normal under such circumstances, especially with the added worries of having work done on your home.

Both of you remember the good times and all the memories to be made in your new home together.

Although I have never been in your situation, I have spent a lot of holidays in a 4 berth caravan with a tiny fridge and small cooker, but never really found cooking that difficult. In fact we used to have family come and visit and I remember cooking up a curry for 10 of us - happy days.

Come on to the forum as much as possible and interact with everybody here, that is how you will remain focused, especially if you join in with the daily diary :)

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to lucigret

Hi we should be cooking here as we have a small barbequet as well but it is so much easier to go to the cafe. Still once we move we are both planning to eat sensibly. Thanks for writing.

Tiggerr profile image

That must be very challenging lindyloom.

I don't know how much time you have available to you but if you can engage with this forum regularly (many weekly events, some daily and some ongoing), you might find some release and some focus.

The March's Nutty Natterings is good, even if just to let off steam :)

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Tiggerr

Hi Tiggerr I will look out for March Nutty Natterings sounds good. I have been on this site before but haven't used it for a couple of months now as sold our house in January and moved to a caravan site in the country looking for a new house which we have now found. So once we are in both my husband and I are going to really work at losing weight. Thanks for your reply.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to lindyloom

I 'sort of' know how it feels. We sold our house and moved into temp accommodation in October last year. We were supposed to move into our new house in November but we're still stuck in a small house with our dogs that don't like the paved back garden and everything we have boxed up and packed into the spare rooms.

You'll know as well, just how more miserable the weather has made things.

I went into some kind of depression and put on 10kgs up to xmas and have gradually been working my way back to normality.

I've had to recently buy kitchen food and utensils, that I know are boxed somewhere but just not accessible and only in the last month have I really started getting back into the swing of being excited about making nice meals.

We actually move into that home in a month's time so there is now light at the end of the tunnel :)

You've come back here which I know will help you :) You'll get there :)

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Tiggerr

Hi Tiggerr it seems that you have had the same problem. I can't moan about the weather as we have been on site for about 2 months and, being in Australia, the weather has been good with not much rain (which they need here). Like you, 10 kgs is what I really want to lose and glad to here that you are going well now. At least you have the summer which really helps. I'm glad that you are at last moving into your new home so things will be much easier and the dogs will be pleased. We have our dog with us, he is a staghound/boxer cross and we have covered our seats so that he can sleep on them. He's been in the garden in the new house and seems to be pleased with it. Anyway Tiggerr let me know how you go with your weight loss journey and I hope that you lose all 10 kgs that you want to do. Best wishes. Lindyloom

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to lindyloom

Lol, you've had crazy heat and we've just had the wettest Feb on record. I imagine that each has it's problems.

I've just managed to lose those 10kgs since restarting in Jan so now I'm as overweight as I was before it all went pear shaped but not quite so far to go now :) about 8kg maybe less :)

As the dogs won't use the back garden, I have to walk them 4 times a day. They are Old English Sheepdogs so their hair is great at picking up all the mud (and there's lots of that everywhere) and bringing it back into the house. I'm regularly, hoovering, dusting and washing floors and surfaces... still, at least that keeps me busy :)

I had to look up what a staghound is... looks like quite a big dog!

All the best to you too!

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Tiggerr

Old English sheepdogs are a lot of work having to brush them but are beautiful dogs. We move to our new house and it has loads of lovely walks there, so no excuse for not walking our dog. Also it will be much easier to working out our dinners. The caravan is cosy and comfortable but the fridge and oven are not that big. Anyway I will coming on line to do my weekly weigh in and hopefully will be successful - I should say I will be successful. Keep walking your babies and hopefully your weather will change to encourage you outside. Good luck Lindy loom

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Tiggerr

Also Tiggerr when do you weigh in and I make sure I do the same day and we can compare notes - that's if you don't mind!!! Kind regards. Lindyloom

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to lindyloom

I'm a Thursday Thinner (Thinster)! Look forward to seeing you there :)

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Tiggerr

I'll weigh in on Thursday and make a start again. Good luck to you Lindy loom

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Tiggerr

Hi I forgot to sign in Thursday because we were getting ready to move into new house. I tried to put in my weight which was 71.2 Kg. So will compare next Thursday. Hope you did well this week. Cheers.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to lindyloom

As someone who's supposed to move in 4 weeks time, are you finding any of the current restrictions causing a problem?

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to Tiggerr

Hi Tiggerr we are in Australia but as this is an NHS site your probably from the UK where I was originally until 2001 when I came out here. I expect restrictions are slightly different. We are getting our furniture delivered on Monday as it has been in storage for 2 months and they asked that we don't shake hands or get close as they want to keep their workers safe when they bring it up. Good luck with your move as it is a stressful time. Hope you don't encounter any problems. All the best Lindy loom

OilpainterUS profile image

I totally understand your feelings, lindyloom. I have a little Eriba Puck camper that I take out for a week or so at a time to stay in when painting. My BF is assigned the Dutch Oven cooking (outside, over briquettes in the campfire ring) and became very good at it. It kept him busy enough as he watched his sports outside under the canopy while I blissfully painted. The meals were good, too. Perhaps you can interest your husband in this?

Can you take up an hobby like painting, photography, quilting? Perhaps something for your new home?

Good luck! I'm sure the new home make it all worthwhile!

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to OilpainterUS

Hi in fact I went to an art exhibition here in Rutherglen where we are staying until we move into our new house on Friday. I asked about whether there were art classes around the area we will be moving too and it seems there are. I am a painter and have been using acrylic paints but not for a little while. The country where we are moving to is so picturesque so hopefully will me inspiration to start again. I also like pen and ink. I live in Australia so a beautiful country as is Arizona I expect. Thanks for your reply.

OilpainterUS profile image
OilpainterUS in reply to lindyloom

Sounds great, lindyloom. 😊 Happy to read this. Friday will soon be here!

In my condo complex, we have several Australian owners who come for the Arizona winter months-as do I. I do enjoy them and love hearing about your country. I watch some Australian tv shows just to get a glimpse of your natural beauty. McLeod's Daughters was a pleasure to watch with the beautiful landsca pes shown.

Arizona is really beautiful with the desert and mountains. I feel fortunate having my winter escape. With my arthritis, I just can't tolerate northern winters anymore.

Pen and ink is in my wheelhouse, too, and am thinking of a large 4x8 piece for my LR wall. I'm renovating and want something dramatic in a monochromatic palette. Hanging is an Ansel Adams print that has inspired me but to a mixed-media contemporary piece as a contrast to my plein aire landscapes.

Do you have anything to create in mind for your home? ( I used to design and build homes for 15 years before I had to retire because of health reasons and always started with art and the local surroundings as inspiration).

I'm sure your home will be lovely. So pleased for you. Get painting! 😊

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to OilpainterUS

I can understand you need warmer climes for your arthritis. That will be lovely creating something in pen and ink. I like the look of pen and ink. We have a large picture of a couple photographed embracing with their dog, a retriever, below pulling on his lead in San Francisco. It reminds my husband and I of when we first met when he use to walk his friend's retrievers. Quite sentimental to us a beautiful photograph. Good luck with losing weight which hopefully will alleviate your arthritis symptoms a bit. Best wishes Lindy loom

OilpainterUS profile image
OilpainterUS in reply to lindyloom

Your photograph sounds lovely and perfect for your new home.

Only a few days left till the move in? That's very exciting. I am sure you'll love and appreciate it.

Thank you for your good wishes. :)

GardenMW profile image

Hi I’m agree with lucigret change of scene will do you good.

But def not easy living in a caravan and waiting to move in to your home but it will be so good when you are

Good luck and as one who is easily tempted by a biscuit suggest you don’t buy any more !!

lindyloom profile image
lindyloom in reply to GardenMW

Hi that's a very good tip not buying biscuits or chocolate for that matter. I know it is when I am not busy. So perhaps I will keep writing on this blog and keep my hands busy. Plus it's autumn here in Australia, so knitting, which I enjoy, is something else to do to keep hands busy. I hope you can manage to keep your hands off biscuits. This sugar craving is bad. Thanks for replying.

Annekelly58 profile image

Oh no. How stressful for you. Not ideal weather or circumstances for you to be escaping from the caravan either. I've got some jigsaws to keep my husband busy and books for me. I hope you're ok.

lindyloom profile image

Thanks for your reply. Books are a good idea as watching television you tend to snack. I will get out my knitting too. I need to change emotional eating and I am determined now. Good luck in your weight journey.

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