Hi guys, I am back 5 months after after the last time I started wanting to lose weight and 4 months since I stopped trying to lose weight. Since the last time, I have put on weight but not as much as before and definitely don't look as big as I did before. I am a 17 year old with IBS and prediabetes and want to start my weight loss journey again. I have a plan of cutting excess sugar and salt like last time as it helped, plus making a habit of having 2 glasses of water in a morning to boost metabolism along with using black coffee and green tea. I also intend on getting ag least 8 hours sleep and making sure I don't have more than 10 as I know that oversleeping can also be harmful. I hope to become more consistent with weighing myself and using a tape measure to measure my waist and I will be using this platform like a journal and a forum for support. I will start in the morning by weighing myself and hopefully kicking start a journey that helps me build a healthy and productive lifestyle.
Any thoughts or advise is welcome as usual.