Anyone else get down weighing themselv... - Weight Loss Support

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Anyone else get down weighing themselves more than once a week?

33 Replies


First of all, I KNOW I should not have done it! I KNOW it is bad for my moral to weigh myself more once a week but also at a different time of the day! I can't explain why I did it, I've been feeling physically better and more energised this week but still decided to jump on the scales 2 full days before weigh in day and at night, my weekly weigh in is first thing. Lo ho there was the 6lbs apparent gain and the spiral into misery. I've eaten all my meals today and had 3 litres of fluids, I know this isn't my real weight, but now I'm already feeling down. Just need to continue on my plan and keep focused on my actual WI where I'll hopefully see a reward for my hard work this week. Anyone else do this?

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33 Replies

Well I know some would disapprove, but I weighed myself every day night and morning for three years and made a note of it in a little book. Far from depressing me, it reassured me that ups and downs were normal and just blips. The overall trend over the whole week was downward, and that was what mattered. So if you are one of those tempted to weigh more often, why not embrace it and use it!

Interesting footnote - since I stopped daily weighing last autumn, I have struggled to stay in my maintenance range! Coincidence? Probably.....

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to

That's how it works for me, too. Seeing the daily blips tells me they are just blips and, as you say, it's the overall trend that counts. Though I only weigh in the morning

in reply to BridgeGirl

Thanks, I may get a sign over my scales stating "its the overall trend that counts".

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to

Do that :)

in reply to

Thank you

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

I agree TT . . . Daily weighing made me see that ups & downs are normal 😊

However, in answer to Hidden right from the start, on this journey, (as opposed to the hundreds of previous attempts to lose weight) my focus has been about health, energy and permanent change, with scales and scale weight of secondary importance

BrynGlas profile image
BrynGlas in reply to

Trimmerteacher, I need to weigh myself daily too, not often twice a day, but I have done that too at times. I need to keep on top of my weight, if I don't weigh myself then I tend to eat stuff that I would never usually eat, and more of it.

Michael Mosely recommends weighing daily too, first thing after the loo. I find it much easier that way for some reason. But we are all different, what suits one does not always suit everyone else. I think we should do what suits us best basically.

Chasarama profile image
Chasarama2 stone

I am the same i am terrible for getting on the scales everyday... the last 3 days I’ve sent myself into a dark cloud over not seeing a change or a few lb more than the other day.

I am quite demotivated today. I have stuck to plan today because its weigh-in day to tomorrow but I keep looking in the mirror and thinking “what’s the point”.

Its good you know that its not accurate at different times of the day! Keep focused on the weekly! Xxx

in reply to Chasarama

Well done for sticking to plan today and I hope your WI goes well tomorrow. The point is we want to change what we see in the mirror. We CAN DO THIS!!

N-o-r-d-i profile image

There are of course advice, tendencies, research, but when it comes down to an individual, I believe I t’s still about finding out what’s the best for you.

I found this quite interesting:

in reply to N-o-r-d-i

Very interesting, thank you

Rusty15 profile image

Yes I did that yesterday and had gained a pound and then went on a hi carb binge. What an idiot I am but have done ok today. So expecting to have gained or hopefully STS. But like you I have worked hard at it done so much exercise moving muck heap along with mucking out etc; as well as walking 15000 steps each day I know I have lost inches as clothes are baggy and can do up others where before I couldn’t. So I am going to keep off scales except Mondays as that is my weigh day.

Please. Don’t feel down just except it and hopefully when you next weigh in you will have a lovely surprise.

in reply to Rusty15

I know very well the comfort and trauma of a carb binge. Well done for pulling it back, it isn't easy. Hope you're WI goes the way you hope.

You need to do what works for you but know that massive swings generally reflect water loss rather than fat loss

in reply to

Will keep that in mind, thanks

Sometimes when im losing weight im so excited and happy i weigh myself everyday!! We all do it at some point. Its good to remember our weight flutuates and loss doesnt always show on the scales everyday. Keep positive its a slow tiresome journey at times but its also amazing at times too. It will be worth it in the end.

in reply to

Yes I must remember about the fluctuating, many thanks.

thisnewlife profile image
thisnewlife10 kg

Hi IamwhatIam517, to add to what others have said, I love seeing my weight at night knowing that when I wake up I'll have lost a few lbs. And it helps keep me in check especially when I'm closer to my weigh-in day. I hope that you embrace it as it guides towards your goal in the long run. Good luck.

in reply to thisnewlife

Thank you

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks

2718281 profile image

It's been part of my routine for the last 2 years and something. We are all different so it might not work for you, but I weight in every single day. I don't feel unmotivated by the ups and downs, instead to me is like the first step in the morning to remind me what I'm doing for myself self and so far it's worked! At the beginning I would also weight in at other times of the day, trying to understand the fluctuations, it's good to see how much you lose overnight, if I'm lazy in the morning I know I'm still losing weight! Do what works for you, either because it helps you keep accountable, or it helps you keep motivated

in reply to 2718281

Thank you very much

RaggedClown profile image

I've weighed myself every day for the last five years.

Looking at my weight chart now, I see that my weight has fluctuate up and down across a range of four pounds over the last week.

This is totally normal! What matters is your trend line. As long as the trend is going down, you are in good shape.

The weight tracking app that I use, Slimming with Strangers, shows you your moving average weight as trend line and estimates your daily calorie deficit from your average weight loss. I find it motivating to see that green number indicating my deficit even when I have gained a few pounds from the day before.

in reply to RaggedClown

Thank you

Craftyperson profile image

Youve acknowledged it's not good and fluctuates so bear that in mind and think it's just a fluctuation you've done a good thing coming on here so good luck

in reply to Craftyperson

Aww thanks

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024

Every morning,


in reply to gman1961

Sorry to hear that. We've just got to keep trying to change what they show

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024


UnitedRed profile image

I weigh myself first thing every day too, find it helps with seeing natural gains and losses, and makes sure the “blips” stay blips and don’t turn into long-term gains.

in reply to UnitedRed

Thank you

Betsboop profile image

Yes I get very tempted and then like you depress myself . My aim is to get back into my shorts which once fitted now I cannot get one leg in ! These will be my barometer so yes the scales are important but I also have other clothes which realistically will get looser as the weight comes off . For me I try the clothes on . Guess as it has all ready been said this is such a personal thing . Just keep going it will gradually see us all slimmer and healthier and the scales and my shorts will no longer be such a trauma .

in reply to Betsboop

Many thanks

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