Good morning, I am a newbie here. (Hello) I am a 43 years young student nurse, mum to 6 youngest being 15 and nana to a beautiful grandson. I am weighing in at nearly 18 stone. I need to stop. I say I will start again every Monday but yet fail by midday. All advice great fully received. I qualify from my course next September and I certainly do not want to be a nurse being hypocritical about weight loss.
Newbie saying hello/ and in need of ad... - Weight Loss Support
Newbie saying hello/ and in need of advice!

Hello, the best pieces of advice I can give you is to join our weigh in today, here's the link, hope to see you there, and take a look at low carb x

Good on you for galvanising yourself to get on your nursing course. That's taken some doing in itself and finding the time. The bills don't stop either.
Don't think about past set backs. Think about future goals.
You've got a lot on at the moment. Don't pressure yourself about weight loss as well.
Could you start your diet on a different day ? Get out of the rut of starting your diet on a Monday and it falling apart ?
Good luck with all your future plans.
Hello and welcome to the forum,
What a busy life you have!
I see that Lytham has already mentioned looking at a low carb approach, I think you would find this an interesting read,
If you haven't already, please take the time to read the Welcome Newbie post, this will help you to navigate the forum, which is best done using the full website and not the app.
Please also take a look at all of the Challenges, Clubs and Events that we have, to help to keep you motivated and engaged with the forum.
The above link will take you to all the information you need. Participation is key to success and I would recommend that you at least join the Daily Diary and a Weigh In day of your choice.
As a peer to peer support group, we all benefit from encouragement and support from one another, so look forward to seeing you join in around the forum
Wishing you the best of luck on your weight loss journey
Hi Zeenasteven2017 There are loads of wonderful supportive people in this group as well as good advice about how to change things around. I have been here a few weeks ( and lurked for a while before then) and find the Pinned Posts are the best place to start - I really love planning my meals for the following day, looking at what everyone else is planning and nicking their great ideas. Wishing you lots of luck, - eat right and you won't feel hungry - and have fun.

Thank you so much, I am definitely finding a lot of advice. Wish I had done this so much sooner
Hi. You are a busy lady! Nurse training on top of life! Wow I take my hat off to you. I’m sure it will be tricky to carve out some time to plan what you’ll eat and then shop for the food - this is key I think though to make the decision about what you will eat before you’re standing in the kitchen looking through cupboards. I try to plan my next days food the night before and write it down and then commit to eating only that food the next day. One think I’ve been trying this week is to notice when I make the decision to sneakily eat what I know is bad for me - when I feel that and do t respond to it - I ‘reward’ myself by putting a coin in a lovely pot. Sounds crazy I know but I think it’s helping me to acknowledge when the impulse to eat (usually whatever I can lay my hands on at the time!) and then pat myself on the back for not going off plan. Sorry for long reply but please know that we’re all in this together and use whatever hints and tips are helpful to you from folks on here. Good luck! You’re obviously a lady who can commit to things - by looking at your busy life - so commit to this being THE most important thing for you to achieve right now. God bless

Hiya and hats off to you for juggling family life and studying - no mean feat.
It resonated with me when you said that when you qualify, you don’t want to be overweight and appear hypocritical to your patients. That’s very brave and honest of you to say that.
For what it’s worth, low carb high/healthy fats (lchf) has been the change that has triggered my weight loss. I never ever thought I’d be able to survive without bread, rice, pasta & spuds. But it’s been a year and two stone down, it’s definitely been worth it. There’s loads of meal ideas on
Another motivating factor has been planning what I’m going to eat and ‘saying it out loud’ on the Daily Diary on this site. I’ve picked up so many tips here and the support & sense of camaraderie is phenomenal. I also record on paper what I’ve eaten the previous day & log my steps etc (I wear a FitBit). I only weigh myself once a week (Fridays) and don’t count calories. I think having those structures in place has given me a sense of control. Everyone has to find their own unique path but my main bit of advice would be, keep an open mind about the ‘sacrifices’ you believe you’re going to have to make, as sometimes it’s just about building up new habits and routines; take it nice and slowly; make sure you’re eating enough; don’t beat yourself up. To my mind, you’re pretty much superwoman anyway ☺️
Wishing you all the best 🙋🏽♀️
Awe thank you so so much for your time, to give me your advice. I will definitely have a little look at what you have suggested.