Hello there,
I would really really REALLY like to lose some weight & get fit but I always seem to be giving up I have the BEST of intentions first thing in the morning, feeling today I AM going to stick with it I AM going to walk more, make a healthy tea, I am NOT going to give in, but then..... I want that chocolate bar, bag of crisps, cake, pizza, Mc D, chips, you name it SOOOOOOO badly that I could gnaw my own fingers
I try to resist (honest) but by tea time I am literally shaking, feel almost dizzy, seething with frustration & resentment & I feel awful & so moody, tired & lethargic. One of anything is NEVER enough to quell these feelings, so if I have one I frequently have the whole packet
I desperately need to sort myself out. I am so cross at myself & I so do not like my body & weight but every single social I / we do involves food - BBQ, meals out, Mc D with children, cookies late at night, take aways at weekends etc etc. I absolutely hate fruit, veg & salad & gag if I try. (I've tried really hard) I feel like such a failure. My husband can eat whatever he likes (& does) without gaining any weight at all. If I'm extremely strict I might lose a pound but if we eat out I'll gain 3/4 pounds