Feeling slightly perkier than last week. My eating hasn’t been the best. Does anyone have any morning rituals they follow that has worked with weightloss? I.e. warm water with lemon first thing? I’m also struggling to drink two litres of water a day ☹️ I barely drink a 250ml a day.
Life update: Feeling slightly perkier... - Weight Loss Support
Life update

My routine, wake up with a cup of herbal tea, solely because I don't like normal tea and not for any weight loss benefit.
There are no morning rituals that work like magic to help us loose weight, but having a menu plan at the beginning of the day, will help you to stay on track.
As for the 2 litres of water a day, it's a myth, have a read of this and look out for the new 'myth buster' posts that will be posted over the next few weeks.

Pleased you're feeling perkier, would you like to join our weigh in today? Here's the link, I hope to see you there x

Welcome Krish2212
I haven't got a routine as such for eating, but I do plan beforehand what I'll be cooking. Joining in the daily dairy has helped me focus on this more than I used to do. It also means I'm buying the things I need for the week so I'm not scrambling too much.
My morning is usually a form of exercise followed by getting my household ready, the school run and the home school routine going. I prepare breakfast about 9.30am and start work by 10am.
Focus on the entire day for help with weight loss as opposed to mornings only.
Also, pick a day for your weigh-in and join that group.
You'll get lots of handy tips, suggestions and ideas for meals and kepoing motivated.
Like you, I struggle with water, so I've committed to 500ml per day. If it's next to me while I work, I drink it. ☺
Who said you have to drink 2 litres of water per day?

Hi Krish2212.
Here’s my morning routine (and my mornings can start anywhere between 4.30am and 6.30am!)
Half a cup of green tea.
Fill in my records of what I’ve eaten the previous day, plus log steps etc (I wear a FitBit).
If I haven’t contributed to the Daily Diary, I post on there. Check I’ve got food that I need for planned meals.
Walk for an hour or so.
Do some yoga stretches.
Shower etc when I get home.
Then eat breakfast about 10.30am.