Even though I've conquer the couch to 5K I quit smoking 5 years ago I've always suffered from addictions and anybody who knows when you have an addiction usually depression and anxiety go along with it so I struggling still to quit drinking and I've been running since January I'm up to 7 km 3 times a week but when the pandemic could I turn to food for Comfort to ease my depression so it's like this vicious cycle I really need to get a handle on the food issue
Sad: Even though I've conquer the couch... - Weight Loss Support
Welcome to the Weight loss Forum Love2run1969. You have done so well to quit smoking that is an ENORMOUS achievement and then you've gone on to do C25k !! great stuff. Yes there is often a link between emotions and eating but you have come to the right place here for support and ideas so please explore our site and join in. There are Weekly Weigh In pages, Daily Diary posts (we share ideas for meals and general angst about life and food and everything in between) and a Drinkless Club as well as Fit is Fun page, plenty to whet your appetite. You are amongst friends here. Please use this link for guides to our Forum and how to find the above Pinned Posts and several other chat threads we offer. We especially recommend joining Daily Diary regularly and choosing a Weigh In team on your preferred day to get the most from the Forum
All the very best on your weight-loss loss journey 🤗
I think the best thing you could do for yourself is to be kind to yourself. Try to find other ways to self care and take it slowly and don't beat yourself up when things don't go according to plan
I have all the tools to eat unbelievably well but what I've been doing since I started running back in January is when I get down I use food for comfort so it's like this vicious cycle I just Benji like I would binge drink for example and I'll go through periods where I'll get it under control but then I just I feel like I'm the same sometimes I don't drink I don't eat any junk I don't do anything so I kind of reward myself that's my justification which is false but yeah vicous cycle
Welcome aboard, Love2run1969
Don't write yourself off just yet. Many of us arrived here confident we knew what it meant to eat well but have gone on to learn that much of what we knew was founded on misinformation. And once we stopped punishing ourselves and building our meals around carbohydrates, and once we rid ourselves of the fear of healthy fats, we were able to start enjoying food, regain a sense of appetite and lose weight as well!
Have a look at this two page guide phcuk.org/wp-content/upload... I suggest that if you print this off and use it to plan your shopping and your meals, you'd start to see and feel the difference, too
This post here might be helpful as it's on theme of Emotional eating