Falling into old habits: So, I started... - Weight Loss Support

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Falling into old habits

CherryN profile image
CherryN2st 7lbs
21 Replies

So, I started off on this journey with motivation and real desire to succeed. I truly believed I could do it. The first 12 weeks following the NHS plan went really well, so I decided to continue with it.

Then lockdown happened. At first I thought it was good for me health-wise because I was at home with the dog and had to walk him every day instead of sending him off to doggie day care while I was at work. Work got really busy, so although I was walking a lot more, the evening aerobics I had been doing stopped. I was working quite late. I felt too tired to exercise any more. Then the snacks started to creep back in because I was feeling sorry for myself. I couldn’t be bothered to cook at night so the easy meals started. Then restaurants/takeaways reopened and my little fingers and big belly couldn’t resist the new click and collect dinners.

My weight is now exactly the same as it was at the start of lockdown. I don’t want to fail. I don’t want to ruin all the hard work I put in from January to March. I desperately want to regain the fabulous motivation that I had in abundance 5 months ago. Sadly, I don’t know how I got that motivation, it just suddenly was there! Now it’s gone.

Work has now eased off, I’m working normal hours again. I hope to take a week off before too long. I should have time to look after myself a bit better.

This morning I did a kettlebell workout, just 25 minutes, I certainly know I’ve done it! It was hard but I must try to persevere. I must also start eating heathily again, more vegetables, less snacks. I must do it for me. For my health. To prevent diabetes and acid reflux. To reduce my chances of suffering badly if I get covid 19. To feel good about myself again.

I’m not looking for advice, though it’s always welcome! I’m giving myself a public talking to and hoping it works!

Take care everyone, look after yourselves and keep working at the weightloss! xx

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CherryN profile image
2st 7lbs
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21 Replies
Elisabeth3 profile image

I am sorry that you feel a bit lost.

If your weight is the same, that’s not bad at all.

I think you may just have to wait out that things ease up. I am not sure how to get back the motivation in this difficult time. But if you beat yourself up, that would add to the stress.

Does this help at all?

CherryN profile image
CherryN2st 7lbs in reply to Elisabeth3

Yes it does help, thank you. Support always helps. 😁

Missionwoman profile image
MissionwomanRestart Sept 2023 in reply to CherryN

I have the same problem. Did the NHS12 week planned now I'm stuck. Gave myself all the same advice you have given yourself. Life is different at present. I think we have to be kinder to ourselves but keep trying to stay motivated. It's not easy. Have a good week.

Missionwoman profile image
MissionwomanRestart Sept 2023 in reply to Missionwoman

Sorry that should have been Plan

Subtle_badger profile image


But I want to give you advice! 😤

Good luck 🤞

TheTabbyCat profile image

Hi CherryN, I see you've always kept your appointment with the Sunday Slimmers so you haven't completely lost your mojo! Why don't you have a go at joining the Daily Diary, it's good for sharing ideas , planning the days meals and of course there's always room for a chat. You'll find tomorrow's in the pinned posts.

Good luck🍀

CherryN profile image
CherryN2st 7lbs in reply to TheTabbyCat

Thank you, I may well have a look at the diary to get ideas. I used to post there but found it intimidating because I cook plain meals and others are quite fancy! 😂

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Maintainer in reply to CherryN

Tbh I feel more comfortable to share fancy food there. But I hardly ever go to the DD, unfortunately. Because it would be difficult not to follow it. It’s a good site, though.

Leeleepuss profile image

We joined at the same time and we weighed the same. We weigh the same today and have both lost a stone and a half. Yes, I would have liked it to be more by now too and am so cross with myself that I spent the first half of lockdown undoing my efforts from Jan to March. I'm back working normal hours too and see it as a new start. Perhaps you can do the same and we can drag each other along!

CherryN profile image
CherryN2st 7lbs in reply to Leeleepuss

Let’s see what we can do! 😁

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Maintainer in reply to Leeleepuss

It can be difficult to adapt ourselves to the lockdown.

Also, even without it there are some plateaus in the weight loss.

Celebrate 🎉 what you achieved. Chin up, tomorrow is another day!

in reply to Elisabeth3

I agree, lockdown is a challenge!!

RedUnicorn profile image

CherryN I think you have been doing so well, motivation is bound to dip from time to time. If both you and Leeleepuss are still down 20 pounds and we are not quite half way through the year, you could lose another 20 pounds! That sounds amazing to me! I’ve been on and off here for 2 years and am only 8 pounds down despite losing 20 at one point.

You’re back at it, you blogged, you kettle belled! You’re awesome. You’ve got this 😊

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Maintainer in reply to RedUnicorn

Nice support.

Are you feeling better? 🙋🏻‍♀️

CherryN profile image
CherryN2st 7lbs in reply to Elisabeth3

Yes much better thank you! 😁😁

CherryN profile image
CherryN2st 7lbs in reply to RedUnicorn


I’m embarrassed now!!! Thank you! I’d love to lose another 20lbs by the end of the year. I’m sure you can do it too! 😁 yeah I kettlebelled and after doing it I can still get up and down the stairs too! 😂😂

Leeleepuss profile image
Leeleepuss in reply to CherryN

Yeah me too! 😁 um not sure what kettlebells are. I will Google it.

cheritorrox profile image

Totally agree with RedUnicorn - you can get back into it!! x

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024

If you put it on that easily it will come off just as easy as it went on. I think you've talked yourself into it again. I had to chuckle you sound just like me ! Good for you ! to put a positive slant on it you'll now have the fun of losing it again.

Xana23 profile image
Xana231st 7lbs

Hi Cherry you’ve done incredibly well to do the 12 week plan and the fact you are the same as in March is still a really good loss! Please try not to be too hard on yourself, there’s so much going on at the moment and changes in work patterns can have a big impact. Good luck for next week just take it a day at a time - you can do it! 😊

CherryN profile image
CherryN2st 7lbs in reply to Xana23

Thank you so much! 😊😊

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