Tortoise and Hare Running Club 23rd - ... - Weight Loss Support

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Tortoise and Hare Running Club 23rd - 29th December 2019

71 Replies

Hello everyone and Welcome to the Tortoise and Hare Running Club !

Here we share our running/ walking adventures! Feel free to join us and tell us all about your week whether you run slowly or fast, a lot or just a little...

On this picture you can see the path where I cycle and run a lot... At the moment it’s freezing but I still managed to run 4 times this week (around 35 minutes). At the moment I am running to counterbalance the fact that I’m probably eating way too much !!🤣

So please tell me about your goals for the next week or maybe for 2020.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year 2020🎆🎉🎉🍀!!

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71 Replies
HHge profile image

Hi! I’m back after 4 months off (ooops) and managed run 2 of week 6 of the couch to 5k (10 mins run, 3 mins walk, 10 mins run) yesterday. It doesn’t sound much but it’s a huge amount for me. Ran past this fella on the way ❤️

in reply to HHge

Hello HHge,

That’s fantastic !! Very well done!! Running 2 times 10 minutes IS a huge amount! 👍👍😊💪

HHge profile image
HHge in reply to

Aw thanks. And thanks for hosting today! I ran past a beautiful heron- tried to add the photo but couldn’t seem to 🤦‍♀️ You’ll have to imagine in 😂

in reply to HHge

Nice!! Thanks!😊

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to HHge

Welldone!! Just a few more week and youll graduate!! (Cannot include pictures in replay, just un the initial post ... We Will have to imaginé!! 😉

HHge profile image
HHge in reply to xx2000

Ha! Thanks- I’ve been faffing around with c25k for ages, never quite reaching the end. But I’m determined this time! I’ve recently taken rugby up again (after a couple of decades off!) and need to up my fitness! 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to HHge

Hi HHge

Fantastic to hear you've completed run 2 of week 6 on the Couch to 5k - really great! Hope you enjoy the week ahead too.

Zest :-)

HHge profile image
HHge in reply to Zest

Thank you! And you! Here’s to a new decade 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to HHge

Exciting! :-)

Cardamomdeb profile image


I’ve just downloaded the couch to 5k app and I’ll be starting this weekend. I’ll let you know how I get on when I start 😬

in reply to Cardamomdeb

Nice! That’s great. Let me know how it went ! 😊🤗

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to Cardamomdeb

Good luck with the program .. the hardest part is really to begin. And do not worry if you need more days rest between Runs at the begining, just need a few Runs to get used to it

HHge profile image
HHge in reply to Cardamomdeb

Brilliant! Well done you. You can do it 💪🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏆

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Cardamomdeb

Hi Cardamomdeb

Hope you enjoy it, and looking forward to hearing how you get on - wishing you luck and hope you have a great weekend and week ahead.

Zest :-)

xx2000 profile image

Hi madameirir thanks for hosting!! I LOVE your picture but ... Brrrrr how cold !!! Not a bad running week for me .. i am on holidays and also want to graduate in the c25k program next week so I have done w9 run 1 and 2 this week, both 30 minutes long. The weather was quite cold (yesterday just 2 Celsius) but i was really motivated so I can finish the program before the end of the year !! I let you know !!

Good run or walk to all the tortoise and hares!!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to xx2000

Hi xx2000

Great to hear you're enjoying your holidays, and that you've completed runs in w9 - both 30 minutes long - really great! You're sounding motivated and I hope you enjoy the week ahead, and succeed with your goal to finish the program before the end of the year - you can do this! :-)

Zest :-)

in reply to xx2000

That’s a great achievement ! Very well done!👍💪😊 Let me know when you finish the program !🍀🎆

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to

I Will 👍🏼👍🏼

HHge profile image

Go for it!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Hidden

Thank you for hosting the Tortoise & Hare Club today - and I love the photo - it looks like a wonderful path for cycling and running along. Fantastic that you ran 4 times this week - that is really great! You sound energetic and motivated - and I would like to wish you a Very Happy New Year for 2020 - lots of opportunities to run and enjoy exercise. :-)

This week I did one run, and that was this morning. I ran along the cliff-paths here in Guernsey, and ran for 39 minutes. I was thinking of Seuzan in particular, when running up the hills and steps - and I was thinking of everyone in this great Running Club and thanking you all for the fact that you all inspired me to actually get out and run today! I feel like the virtual support is immense, and that you're all there in spirit.

Regarding hopes for 2020 - I hope to continue with Running as part of my routine - haven't made any specific goals yet - but I will be doing so, once I've reflected on last year - which I hope to do over the coming days.

Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year for 2020, and looking forward to sharing experiences of Running and exercising - and cheering each other on.

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Hello Zest,

That’s great that you ran 39 minutes this week ! It’s true that the support is great here. It means a lot to me too and I feel accountable and very often it pushes me to go out and still go for a small run!

It’s great if running becomes part of your routine, that’s a great goal!!

I hope to be able to run a 10km in less than an hour again this year. I’ll have to look on the internet for a specific training.

Have a great week and a Very Happy New Year 2020! 🎉🎆😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Thanks Hidden - here's to an amazing 2020 for us all. :-)

Zest :-)

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to Zest

It is great to be part of this virtual Running/walking club !!! Enjoy your Runs and Hope to have a healthy 2020 for all of us !!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to xx2000

Thanks xx2000

Zest :-)

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to Zest

Thank you for thinking of me Zest when you were running up those hills. I too appreciate how you have given so much positivity and encouragement to me to keep on running. I love the support and friendship from our lovely running club pals! Xxxx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Seuzan

Me too, it is really great. Thanks for your ongoing support and friendship, it means a lot! :-) xxx

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to Zest


gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024

Hi Madameirir,

Great picture.

This week i have been tortoise like , things going on that are not helping.

Manage about 19 mile's walking ,no running and I've piled on the weight .

Looking forwards to a better week ,thank you for hosting .


HHge profile image
HHge in reply to gman1961

Hi gman1961! Don’t beat yourself up- it’s only one week! We all have to have tortoise weeks 🐢 Enjoy yourself then back onto it next week xx

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to HHge

Thanks HHge ,

Hope so don't want to be a tortoise every week.


in reply to gman1961

Hello Gary,

It’s great that you managed walking 19 miles! It’s normal to put on some weight around Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I’m sure you’ll do better in January !!💪🍀🎆 I wish you a very Happy New Year 2020!🎉🤗

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to

I will , looking forward to the challenge.

Happy New Year to you.


xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to gman1961

Walking is a perfect exercise... Next week Will be more normal and sure you can find a way to run !!!

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to xx2000

I will try ,

Thank you.


Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to gman1961

Sorry to hear you have had a tough week Gary - everything passes so hopefully you will come through the clouds and find some sunny times ahead. All the best! ☀️

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to Seuzan

Thanks Seuzan,

Looking at sorting myself out.


Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to gman1961


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gman1961

Hi Gary,

Well done for doing 19 miles of walking, that's no mean feat when you've got lots going on - I think you've done really well to do that. I feel sure there's a better week ahead for us all - Christmas is so challenging with all the festive treats etc, so now those are behind us, we can focus on the New Year - and I feel sure it's going to be a good one - here's hoping!

Wishing you a Happy New Year Gary.

Zest :-)

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to Zest

Positive as ever Zest ,

All the best for 2020.


TerryH11 profile image

Hi. I’ve started C25K & just done week 1 run 2, complete change for me. Not run for years! On a weightloss journey since Dec 2018. Decided to start before Jan that year & here I am starting the running before the next new year haha

in reply to TerryH11

That’s great ! It’s a very good idea to start running before the next year!! I wish you a great 2020!!🎆🍀🎉😊

TerryH11 profile image
TerryH11 in reply to

Thank you 😊

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to TerryH11

Wishing you a fabulous c 25k journey x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to TerryH11

Hi TerryH11

Really great that you've started the C25K, and completed week 1, run 2. I hope you found it ok, and I think it's great that you're starting your running before the New Year. Wishing you the best with it, and looking forward to hearing how you're getting on, in future posts.

Zest :-)

TerryH11 profile image
TerryH11 in reply to Zest

Thank you. Hoping I keep up the times. Having to face it once I’m back at work though will be the test lol

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to TerryH11

You can do it!!! Good luck...

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to TerryH11

Go for It!! It is a great program and feasible (i graduated today) . You are going to do It !!

Megbird profile image

My goals are limited for now. I have a painful toe and awaiting for a hospital appointment to see a speacialist and my GP told me that there is no gurantee of getting appointment. I visited a private feet clinic and I was advised to see a speacialist. For exercises I walk whenever I can. In the last 2 days I have walked about 5miles in total. I don't want to overdue it which could do me harm than good. I am sad as I love running and outdoors exercises.

in reply to Megbird

Hello Megbird,

That must be really hard! Walking is good, I hope you’ll find a way to cure your painful toe.. Sometimes it needs some time. Don’t be sad... walking 5 miles is a great outdoor exercise too! I hope it will all get better in 2020. I wish you all the best for the New Year!! 🍀🍀🍀🎉🎆😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Megbird

Hi Megbird

Sorry to hear about your painful toe, and I hope you get your hospital appointment soon with the specialist. Wishing you all the best for a good recovery.

Wishing you a Happy New Year.

Zest :-)

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to Megbird

Just take care and go slowly. First thing is to recover !!

Seuzan profile image

What a beautiful wintery picture. Thank you for sharing and for posting...

4 runs is brilliant, very well done!

I just did 2 runs this week as was travelling to see family so running time was limited - but the family time was very precious...

As well as 2 x 5km runs I played badminton last night and had quite a vigorous work out which I needed to shift a few Christmas calories. Lots of chocolate over the hols - so time to get back on the wagon now! I'm hoping to continue with 3 runs per week in 2020 but this week giving myself full permission to be lazy and to rest (so if I manage any runs this week it will be a bonus!).

Happy 2020 everyone!!!! ✨

in reply to Seuzan

2 runs and badminton, that’s great Seuzan ! Very well done! 💪👍

3 runs per week is a great goal!! Very Happy 2020 !! 🍀🎉🎆

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to

Merci! X

in reply to Seuzan

De rien! 😉 X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Seuzan

Hi Seuzan

Wow, you did well to fit in 2 runs this week, along with visiting your family and Christmas festivities. Glad you enjoyed your family time. :-)

The Badminton sounds great too - and now you're back on the wagon, I feel sure you'll get rid of any holiday excess and I am glad to hear you're taking it easy this week - and enjoying some restful time - you deserve it! :-)

Happy New Year!

Zest :-) xxx

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to Zest

Happy New Year too Zest - here's to new challenges and running up those hills.... X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Seuzan

Absolutely - Happy New Year! It's nearly here! :-) xx

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to Seuzan

Happy and sportive 2020!!

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to xx2000


Portlandprincess profile image

Love the photo. I'm fairly new to running. Just graduated. I'm consolidating the slow running now. Always running outside. Gym running is just not for me. I'm just enjoying the changes to my mind and body. All slow but that's good cos I can appreciate the changes more.

I'm going to love the experiences of running into a fresh new day. Seeing things missed by the sleeping.

in reply to Portlandprincess

Hello Portlandprincess,

Running outside is the best!! Slow running is fantastic ! I always run slowly and try some small speeds sometimes. I wish you a Very Happy New Year 2020!🍀🎉🎆😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi Portlandprincess

Congratulations on graduating, that is a great achievement, and it's great that you're consolidating the slow running now. You sound like you're really appreciating things, and that's lovely to hear.

You mentioned a fresh new day - and I hope we get lots of those to enjoy.

Happy New Year, and have a great week ahead.

Zest :-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Zest

Hi Zest I remember you from about 4 years ago. Really good to hear from you again Happy New Year

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi Portlandprincess

I remember you too, and Happy New Year! :-)

Zest :-)

xx2000 profile image

Hi everyone!! Just to let you know that today i have officialy graduated un the coach to 5k program !!! A nice 30 minutes run although with minus 1 degree and some Fog. Really glad i graduated the last day of the year !!! It was my personal short San silvestre run !!!

Happy new 2020!! 🎆🎆🎆

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to xx2000

Congratulations!!!! That is such a brilliant achievement. Well done... Here's to building on all that progress in 2020. 👍🏼

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to Seuzan

Thanks and lets keep running!!

in reply to xx2000

That’s a great achievement !! Congratulations !! Very well done !!🎈🎊🎆👍

xx2000 profile image
xx20003kg in reply to

Thanks!! Happy 2020

Diane2 profile image

Well done everyone, the new Fit Is Fun Club starts tomorrow and takes on all the exercise blogs. Thanks so much for hosting Madameirir!

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