Words wont bring us down....
And where ever we go...
The sun will always shine....
Christine Aguilera
Love the lyrics...and they came to me when some one shouted something quite unkind about my bottom from the comfort of their car whilst I was having the most beautiful walk on Sunday ....
Words can't bring me down...but they did...for quite a few minutes...how dare I allow some nincompoop get into my brain! How very dare I!
I can tell you now my forum friends, I am more angry with me for letting idiots into my emotions than any other aspect of this ....I am the boss of me and no one else and therefore I cannot do anything about the nincompoop...he was well on his journey ...but I can do something about me and my reactions.
So my reaction was to walk even more than ever...Lucca...I'm at 27 k Now Yeah! I've walked for thirty mins after work every day....for me, becuase I like it!
And go me another pound of unwanted energy has been burnt away.....never to return.
So to all have a wonderful week, and ....we are beautiful..in every single way!