We are beautiful....in every single wa... - Weight Loss Support

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We are beautiful....in every single way...

Portlandprincess profile image

Words wont bring us down....

And where ever we go...

The sun will always shine....

Christine Aguilera

Love the lyrics...and they came to me when some one shouted something quite unkind about my bottom from the comfort of their car whilst I was having the most beautiful walk on Sunday ....

Words can't bring me down...but they did...for quite a few minutes...how dare I allow some nincompoop get into my brain! How very dare I!

I can tell you now my forum friends, I am more angry with me for letting idiots into my emotions than any other aspect of this ....I am the boss of me and no one else and therefore I cannot do anything about the nincompoop...he was well on his journey ...but I can do something about me and my reactions.

So my reaction was to walk even more than ever...Lucca...I'm at 27 k Now Yeah! I've walked for thirty mins after work every day....for me, becuase I like it!

And go me another pound of unwanted energy has been burnt away.....never to return.

So to all have a wonderful week, and ....we are beautiful..in every single way!

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Portlandprincess profile image
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29 Replies
bmuzz87 profile image

That was really encouraging, it is so hard when people make comments about weight. I sometimes don't think people understand the consequences of their comments. Congrats on your successes :)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to bmuzz87

hi Muzz..thank you for the encouragement......as I get older I think I'm immune ...to negativity..ha!

gracie1985 profile image

I like the lyrics to that song as well. Don't beat yourself up for letting that guy affect your emotions, it is like a default/quick response and only human and not letting it define the rest of your day is what makes you stronger :-)

I remember when I did lighter life many years ago and had to sit through the weekly meetings, which felt more like an alcoholic anonymous meeting, the consultant was talking about how we automatically reject compliments. If someone says you are beautiful you automatically say 'nah, you are just being kind'. Very rarely you will say thank you and accept it as true.

btw (if your bottom is big) this should be a good thing look at the kardashians ..you should have just started twerking when he shouted.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to gracie1985

So true bout how we react to compliments...have you practised accepting them? ...Now that Idea about tweaking...I bet it uses up calories at a good rate too...win, win!

Jo4950 profile image

I am as angry for you as well, What gives people the right to make unkind and unwarranted comments, who is perfect any way !!!!!!!!

There is a saying people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and I'm sure he was not perfect.

But we'll done you for rising above it, you are a shining star and worth more than that idiot.

Keep up the fantastic work and remember you are beautiful :)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Jo4950

Jo, you are so kind! Thank you.

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Hi Portlandprincess, it never ceases to amaze me how quite how rude some people can be. What an absolute utter moron this ignorant person is! Well done you for rising above it, your determination is fantastic keep going.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Thank you Mrsg ....that's really kind of you...solidarity against rudeness! So surprised that I reacted though...for so many minutes....silly of me...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministratorSS Supercook7 stone

PP, he doesn't know you as we do. We know that you're beautiful inside and out.

We can also recognise just how strong you are. Don't beat yourself up for having a very human gut reaction, that's totally understandable, be proud for the way you feel now.

41 yrs ago, a young lad leaned out of a bus window and shouted hey fatty at me. At the time, I was normal weight for my height, but it sent me on a lifetime of crash diets and misery. I am now twice the size I was then and can still remember that original incident as if it happened yesterday.

I was the weak one, you are the strong one.

Well done you! :)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to moreless

You are so very kind...thank you.

How awful for you as a young girl though to put up with this! Awful! I do believe though that our resilience will mean that we will take control of our feelings and not let's idiots influence us...sometimes I just don't manage it...so how could the young girl in you manage it? Hugs to the young girl in you.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to moreless

Hi ML, have a look at Andrews response below...and Google ...Lindsey swift open letter...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministratorSS Supercook7 stone in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi PP, thanks for your sweet response.

I read Lyndsey's open letter with a smile on my face, knowing that she will be a super role model to young girls now.

andrewleeone profile image

Hi PP car trolling seems to be getting some focus at the moment - have a look at the cover of this women running - it features the remarkable Lyndsay Swift!

Trolls are trolls and they hide behind the anonymity of social media or a car door. Good or you for being strong.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to andrewleeone

Hi Andrew, yes I'm surprised that it's happened to a few people I know...including my niece who cycles and is very fit!..I've just read Lindsey's open letter...brilliant...thank you

Jenever profile image

Well like everyone else I think you have done well to recognise the hurtful comments as the words of an airhead! However, it did you a favour in a funny kind of way...it made you run further and shed an extra pound, not all bad then.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Jenever

Absolutely!...are you having a go at Lucca's challenge?

andrewleeone profile image
andrewleeone in reply to Jenever

Never herd them called airheads before - is that autocorrect un action :-)

trafford1 profile image

Wow Portlandprincess what a really inspirational post and go you for not letting that nincompoop get you down. Very positive and motivational hun and well done on another pound gone and never to return :-)

We are all beautiful in every single way :-)

Trafford1 x

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to trafford1

Hi Traf, how are you getting on my lovely....long time no hear...well at least a day. Thank you for your kind words...

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Portlandprincess

Your welcome hun :-) I'm getting on good. Strength training all week this week and I am really feeling it all over. Been doing even more squats and lifting weights with workouts at 5:30 am It's been tough but my muscles are benefiting.

Have a great week PP :-)

Traff x

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to trafford1

Good for you! It's amazing how quickly our bodies improve.....

Some people are such idiots and so small-minded. Would never have the balls to say anything walking down the street!!

Head held high, PP 😃

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Hi Lizzy ..that's so true...cowards or as Andrew calls them...trolls

Spader profile image

What a moron. It never ceases to amaze me how people feel entitled to comment on how someone else looks. And not even to your face? Says way more about that person, than you. Trust me.

I'm so sorry that happened to you but you have dealt with it with amazing grit and determination. Inspiring :-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Spader

Spader, you are so kind! Thank you..I just find it amazing that I could take notice of someone I don't know, care about, respect...so strange!......onward and downwards! Hope all is going well with you...

Awww - that's not a nice thing to happen, PP. But as everyone has said, he is just an idiot, who would probably shout stupid things at anyone, whatever they looked like. The secret is just to try not to take it personally (easier said than done, I know). But I'm so glad it's spurred you on to greater things :-) Your walking total is going great - I'm about the same - 29.5k so far - we'll get there, (with very toned bottoms by the end of it :-D )

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

LUCCA......missed you! It's been raining so haven't been out today..am a bit concerned that I'll have to do another eight miles on Saturday!....as for the idiot...I've realised he's just wrong...I haven't got an ar**** I have a bottom....love the open letter that Andrew recommended reading we above....

in reply to Portlandprincess

Oh - I've had a bad back for a few days (serve me right for lifting logs and using a rubbish office chair), so I've been trying to avoid sitting at the computer except when necessary - which unfortunately has coincided with someone I do work for deciding they want their stuff doing 2 months before normal this year - so I'm having to rush that - which means I'm having to sit at my computer. Grrrr !!!

Luckily it doesn't hurt when walking or standing up, so I can get out and exercise it, and do some stretches to hopefully make it recover soon enough.

I'm up to 36k on the walks, so hopefully am on track for Sunday's target ! Luckily we seem to be having a mini heatwave here, so it's been fairly dry for walking. Hope your weather improves - nothing worse than wanting to get out, but finding it raining. I'm sure you could manage that 8 miles you know ! But even if the weather stays rubbish, just being able to do what you can is great. Setting this target has definitely got me moving on a couple of occasions when I would otherwise have been lazy !!

p.s. I have been well and truly earwormed by Christina !! Is it possible to throw in a bit of Radiohead at some point - I need to keep some sanity !!

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

LOVE RADIO HEAD...see I'm distracted from the whole post and can only focus on radio head,....poor you and your back...and weather is beautiful today but full on at work...snap. So it looks like eight mile to oz and that means I need to have two Saturday's for the 45 k...not sure that counts as a week? Rubbish at maths.

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