Today I couldn’t help myself at work looking around I ended up having a big portion of fish and chips, how do I stop myself from doing this again? I feel absolutely awful but I just couldn’t say no
Support in will power : Today I couldn’t... - Weight Loss Support
Support in will power

Don't be so hard on yourself. Changing the way you eat is difficult and it will take a while. Think of today as a hiccup on your journey and do not let it discourage you.
To avoid temptations, it might be helpful if you pack your own lunch and take it to work with you. Maybe, you can also tell your colleagues at work that you are on a new eating plan so they can support you.
Good luck!
Thank you flo72003

What had you planned to eat? Without a plan, it's very likely it will happen again.
Hi bridgeGirl, hope you are well, I normally buy lunch at work as I travel quite far every morning hence the reason I snack a lot at my desk, my hunger doesn’t ever feel satisfied.
Hi, I'm pretty sure your hunger won't be satisfied until you make changes to what and how you're eating, particularly reducing carbohydrates. Here's some reading
I suggest you decide this evening what you're going to eat tomorrow for each of your meals. Create a diary and/or post it here in the Daily Diary. That should improve your chance of sticking with it. Whether you're going to take something with you or buy your lunch, decide now what it will be.
One day at a time. Do the same tomorrow evening, for Friday.
If you're off work at the weekend, plan for a batch cooking session so you have some meals ready for lunch and evening meal next week. That means planning your shopping. There are plenty of meal ideas in the Daily Diary and in Topics.
I find it very annoying that work canteens have such delicious fattening stuff & hopeless or no healthy stuff. When I have a long way to travel & can’t do my own lunch, I get a nice salad at Pret or M&S at a motorway service station or train station on the way. Helps me swerve the curry...

@Fiona2019 me too it’s like I don’t remember my school canteen back in the days to have as much variety as my work canteen does now! But I will definitely try and eat salads I have never liked them which is probably why the weight kept gaining but I’m aware I have to try it again someday if I want to change.x
Nobody likes the one lettuce leaf, whole tomato type salads of my youth, or the hard crispy cheapest possible salad, and pasta salad is not really salad. BUT I have got great inspiration from Pret A Manger’s different combos of salad & recreated them at home.
Hi NatashaP
Me and a few of the girls on my team have decided on a team fruit bowl rather than biccy tub. We also go for a walk on lunch - just around the circumference of the building but it’s time away from the desk which is less time thinking of eating at it! I also take a pre pack lunch and also some measured out snacks in case I decide I feel hungry. But I always try to drink a couple of mouthfuls of water before deciding to eat something - in case it’s thirst rather than hunger !
What I used to do and have recently started again is having a hair elastic on my wrist, and every time I think of eating something I’m not actually hungry for - snap the band on my wrist - like aversion therapy I guess 😂 seems to help me!
Good luck xx
@Misslovely thank you so much for all the advised I will definitely take up going for a walk on lunch think that would help me not think about food as much. I do have one question about the quantity of nuts or fruits that are considered healthy to eat because what I’ve done is the past in indulge in fatty nuts too much like pistachios.
Definitely in need of a hair band around my wrist to stop me too!
Thank you for your kind words good luck on your journey too xx
HI Natasha P, our brains are wired to want and crave this kind of food and have been probably for a long time. So you can't reverse it all in one go! If you can, at the point of choice, just remember why you are wanting to change, and do the right thing. Or, allow yourself three or four chips and a bite of fish, then stop. And tomorrow, "do the next right thing". That phrase has saved me going off the rails more than once. Good luck in your journey!
@westieMaltese thank you For your advice I will definitely try that phrase and I hope it does help, it’s just so hard when you see people at work eating what you love but I was good I walked past today and I know it’s silly but it took a lot of strength for me to do that, thank you x
Not silly! For me to cut out one of my 2 squares of dark chocolate is a huge challenge, and I often fail. But it used to be 3 or 4 squares a day, so this Forum has helped me change that in a week or two. Food can be the drug of choice that gets us through feelings of being unloved, deprived, bored, scared - so choosing to walk away is strong and admirable. And sometimes when I feel a total failure and have given in all day, I just say that - "OK, do the NEXT right thing." (Or 'do the next thing right' also works!) And as soon as I do it, I feel a bit better. Hope you keep walking towards what works for you!

I went on a coach trip. friend and husband bought doughnuts hot sugary, told myself I do not like, but had 1 then at lunch we haf scampi and chips and salad left some chips, later had an ice cream. Tonight I am going to an Indian restaurant, life just gets in the way, but so far I have only gained 1lb so heres hoping!!