.... I am really pleased to say I have lost 8lbs over the past three weeks and am seeing my weight loss program in half a stone chunks 1 down 4 to go!
I thought I would share a couple of things that do seemed to have resonated with me.
The first is I saw a TED talk on why diets don’t work (that ol’ Chestnut I hear you all say!) well it won’t surprise you that the focus of the talk was about the psychology of deprivation. That is to say that as soon as you deprive yourself of something you want it more. Some examples given included prohibition in 1920s America. Women told they cannot have certain foods and drinks while pregnant state they only crave these foods and drinks. I don’t remember prohibition (I am old but not THAT old 🤣) but I do remember when I was pregnant 20 years or so ago we couldn’t have soft blue cheese (this may have changed now of course) but I really wanted soft blue cheese even though I didn’t, and still don’t, particularly like it - weird!
Anyway, the point being if you are constantly telling yourself you can’t have...chocolate, biscuits, peanuts, cake, cheese...etc guess what happens? You are a smart bunch so you know the answer. The speaker suggested instead of saying I cannot have these things say to yourself or out loud ‘I can have this slice of cake but I CHOOSE not to’ maybe even add ‘I choose not to because I know I will feel bloated, disappointed in myself, guilty, upset....etc etc’ Sometimes you will choose to have the slice of cake and that’s okay because you are consciously trying not to deprive yourself. Although, I have been surprised how, when I say I can have it if I really want it, how miraculously I don’t want it anymore!
In having this mindset there is nothing you can’t eat but plenty you choose not to eat. You are taking control over it, it’s not controlling or depriving you! Try it today folks it might just work for you too.
The second thing is somebody said sometime ago on this forum that a desire for something lasts about 10 minutes then it’s gone. I sometimes have a desire for something sweet after my evening meal. We have an old fashioned sweet shop in the small city where I live so I went in and bought some large pear drops (boiled sweets). Guess what - they are large so take a full 10 minutes to suck away. Now, I don’t know how many calories in a large pear drop but a lot less than in a pudding I am sure. By the time I have sucked it away to nothing my sweet craving has gone or been met by the pear drop I don’t know which but I don’t want anything further after that!
Finally, I keep remembering this saying;
You will feel it in two weeks.
You will see it in four weeks.
You will hear it in six weeks.
Wise words I think. As I said at the start of this very long post (thank you for sticking with it by the way!) I am at week three and I can certainly feel it. I am looking forward to seeing it and hearing it over the next few weeks.
Have a great Sunday - you are such a lovely and supportive bunch - be kind to yourselves and live well.