Weight loss for wedding : I’m getting... - Weight Loss Support

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Weight loss for wedding

6 Replies

I’m getting married in December and I wanted advice on how to lose weight in the most effective way.

I have lowered my carb intake but wanted any other tips on what has worked

6 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Mickmouse :)

Congratulations, your forthcoming nuptials will be an excellent motivator :)

If you follow the basic outlines of this, you won't go far wrong phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

Follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins and Daily Diary.


To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link


Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.

We ask that you also read this important information about internet privacy and security.


Wishing you all the best :)

Tiggerr profile image

Hey Mickmouse and welcome.

Sounds to me like you're on the right path and the link that moreless has provided will help as well.

Use this forum regularly in order to maintain focus. Moreless has already mentioned the weekly weigh-ins and the Daily Diary.... there are more.

Creating some kind of routine and being responsible to it will help you keep going during the ups and downs.

TheAwfulToad profile image

Yes, follow the advice from moreless you''ll do fine. Seems like you're already heading in the right direction anyway, but there's a right way and wrong way to cut carbs - it's not as simple as just deleting the starchy stuff from your plate; you need to replace them with other things. If you don't, you'll be hungry, and that tends to lead to binges!

You may also wish to join the low-carb group, here: healthunlocked.com/lchf-diet

happyinlove profile image

I wish you all the best in your attempts to be fit healthy and prepare to look your best for the wedding

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to happyinlove

Good to see you happyinlove 😊. I hope we are going to see a little more of you around the forum? Here’s a list of all the things happening today healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

Pineapple27 profile image

So firstly, welcome Hidden !

I started my journey here to lose weight and be as fit as I could for my 50th (2012)!

I’ve used many ways throughout my 7 year membership here on WLR to keep my journey interesting and to learn what works best for me - I am very short (4ft 8"), 56 years old and don't move very much on account of my disability (I use a wheelchair outside of the house).

One thing that has remained constant throughout is logging everything I eat and weighing out portions. If I have ever stopped doing that for any length of time, the weight starts to creep up again.

I have used 5:2 successfully and done a few rounds of the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet.

I now mostly try to avoid refined carbs (well, limit them!) so rice, pasta and bread. I eat them occasionally (about once/twice a week, always small portions - 50g dry weight, always wholewheat and ALWAYS measured).

I bulk out my meals with lots of vegetables - eat about 4-7 portions a day (home made soup or a salad for lunch, lots of veggies with dinner).

Through choice, I eat just two meals a day, that's been for the past 2+ years. I eat lunch and dinner. I try to keep my eating to between 12 noon and 6pm. Outside of those times, I do drink tea and coffee and plenty of water. That's a way that works for me, and I'm happy with this arrangement - not eating breakfast won't work for everyone though. I used to LOVE breakfast and could never have imagined a few years ago that I'd skip it!

I *don't* view exercise as a way to earn additional calories to eat - I use it as a way to remain flexible and independent. I do a stretch and bounce seated routine around 4-7 times a week which lasts around an hour.

I try to do cardio exercise as often as possible, but because of my disability, it's quite a challenge. For that I walk and run (HIIT) on a special treadmill called an Alter G which is able to support a percentage of my body weight as I walk and run - currently I exercise at 80% of my body weight. I do this for 30 minutes every other week. I'd love to do it weekly, but I need assistance to get into the machine and can only get this support fortnightly.

I keep on going.... as it's what works for me.

I don't deny myself anything in terms of food - however, I have changed over the course of my weight loss to eat much more mindfully - considering "Do I really want to eat this?" ahead of eating food that is particularly calorific or not very healthy.

An example is eating a slice of home made carrot cake that I've made - I'll have worked out the calories and plan a slice into my calorie allowance for the day. Then slice and freeze half of the cake (un-iced) in packs of two so that my husband and I can enjoy it on other days - rather than knowing it's there and needing to be consumed to stop it going off.

I have reduced the number of times I eat out as it's impossible for me to stay within my low (1100 calorie) limit by eating out regularly - even if I choose wisely. But to be honest, I am very happy cooking my own meals and eating those, as I know precisely what's in them - and I love, love LOVE my vegetables. I hardly ever get a takeaway (perhaps 1/2 times a year - usually at others instigation when I am visiting friends). I used to resent these things, but I now accept and embrace them. I no longer view this as a tortuous journey but more a new way of life

I view my way of eating as keeping myself as healthy as I can in order to minimise the risk of developing middle aged illnesses (diabetes, stroke, heart attack...)

I don't judge my success by what others achieve - I just try to do the best that I can for myself and in a way that works well for me.

It does help that I have an extremely supportive husband who's happy to eat the same as I do - even though he doesn't need to lose weight.

I hope this helps.

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