Beginning of weight loss journey - Weight Loss Support

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Beginning of weight loss journey

melissa90 profile image
melissa901st 7lbs
17 Replies

Started eating healthier and exercising on January 9th tipping the scales at 15st 5lbs. As of today I weigh 14st 1lb. And I'm feeling really good. Just wanted to share the good feeling and feeling of disbelief that for the first time in my life I am actually losing weight!!!

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melissa90 profile image
1st 7lbs
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17 Replies
EllaMidlands profile image

Well done, that's a really great result. Keep going and think how fabulous you will look by summer.

Tiggerr profile image

Great news. Thanks for sharing as it helps us all to keep going.

Ceals profile image

Fantastic, amazing weighloss. Well done

Well done! As Kate Moss says, nothing tastes as good as slim feels! You're on your way there, Melissa!

CaptainRainbow profile image
CaptainRainbow10 kg in reply to

It's interesting how we all take things differently, I've always felt that sentence feels very judgemental and body shaming, but it's nice you managed to find a positive spin on it and use it motivationally! :)

Folliegirl profile image

Brilliant 🎉 well done 🌻

marydot profile image

Wow, well done you! I weighed in at 15 stone 4lb's mid January when I started dieting again so it's really inspiring to hear this. I haven't lost as much as you but I'm doing ok! Good luck and keep going, amazing loss! :-)

melissa90 profile image
melissa901st 7lbs in reply to marydot

I think the only reason why I have lost so much is that I wasn't working before (full time mum) and had no (and I mean absolute zero) exercise. And my new job requires me to walk a lot! That with cutting out all sugar and salt and eating normal human portion sizes 😂 has just shocked my body into losing weight

marydot profile image
marydot in reply to melissa90

While I'm the opposite, I was a working mum up until October last year and was made redundant so for now I'm a stay at home mum. I used to the do the 5:2 diet as I found I could cope without eating at work but now being at home makes it impossible so back to calorie counting, which I don't mind actually. However you have done it it's still inspiring! :0)

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to marydot

Did the 5:2 diet help you lose weight?

marydot profile image
marydot in reply to Minniewinny

not really but it did help me maintain. For it to work you need to watch what you eat on the other 5 days too, i was eating too much i think but did feel other benefits from it. I felt better so once i loose the weight I need to I might go back to it to maintain. :0)

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to marydot

Thank you, I found the 5:2 diet book in a charity shop at the weekend, I've read it. Not convinced to try it.

Wishing you continued success in losing and being encouraged on here.

marydot profile image
marydot in reply to Minniewinny

Thank you! My friend does the 5:2 And she's done really well on it. She's a lot more disciplined than me so don't let me put you off. If you can avoid going crazy on the non fast days and keep track of what you eat so you keep within a reasonable amount of calories it does work. X

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

🎉🎉🎉 Well done you 🎉🎉🎉

jopo profile image

Excellent, well done melissa90

Cutting out your sugar (aka poison) is amazingly positive for your body. Brilliant, keep it up 🎉🎉🎉

JjEko profile image

Hi everyone I need to lose 1 stone before August please

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to JjEko

I'm afraid this is a 3 year old post, JjEko, so you may not get any response.

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