Hi I'm new hear. I am really feeling energetic at the moment as i went away last weekend and was out all weekend. I am not active and because of the weekend i am feeling alive more than ever. I am determined to keep it up by becoming more active and eating more healthy. I am really going to try and go out for a walk whenever i can. I just read through the NHS losing weight 12 week plan. Looks helpful but there's no mention of being allowed the occasional treat. Surely it's allowed lol
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Just be careful as when you excersize your seratonin is boosted and if you excersize more than your fitness level you can injure yourself. Take a deep breath and build yourself up to activities or you may wind up with lactic acid, burning muscular pain or straining something. I’m glad you’ve got in the right groove but small steps often lead to bigger ones xx wish you all the best for your diet.. I can’t comment on diets at the moment as I epic failed and still am as my mental health is bad.. so waiting for that to sort itself out before re starting xx good luck with your journey x
Thank you. I have inflammation so i do have to be careful i don't overdo it. Just planning to walk for 10 minutes tomorrow round the block. I hope you feel better soon. I know dieting is hard. I tried really hard a couple of years ago and was very committed for most of the year but only lost 2kg although it did make me feel better and my clothes were looser. I didn't know i had the inflammation then and couldn't do muxh exercise as i was suffering in agony most of the time as my old GP couldn't be bothered to help me until i started crying my eyes out over it. I have been on tablets for it for 18 months now and it is much better. So now i feel ready to give it another go
When I saw your post I knew how you felt when you said you had done something and felt great and then wanted to do more..
it raised alarm bells for me.. as I have had chronic fatigue and pain since my thyroid went strange a few years ago.. I haven’t recovered since..
my thyroid although nearly underactive are in the normal range..
When I have a good week I feel like what your post did.. wanting to keep going etc etc.. I’ve ended up crying on the bed.. with burning pain all over my body and breathing in and out just burnt .. it was the worst thing because I wanted to try and do an activity to try and push myself..
I also have inflammation due to autoimmune issues.. and I really didn’t wanna see anyone else suffer .. the only pleasure I have is cake lol 🤣🤣🤣

Hi and welcome, Kylie89
You may find these interesting sciencedaily.com/releases/2... and drwillcole.com/exactly-how-... This would help phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...
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Hi Kylie and welcome. Glad you're feeling raring to go and energetic
The 12 week plan doesn't say you can't have a treat although as your journey progresses, your idea of what a treat actually is may change
The plan mentions the NHS BMI calculator to get your calorie range, have you run it yet? I ask because if you're going to lose weight by monitoring calories alone, then allowing for a treat within that plan is doable.
You mentioned to Zelda that you know dieting is hard. In some ways you're correct but hopefully it can be made a lot easier than you may have imagined. This is one of the reasons why the NHS provides the calorie range so that it isn't so difficult, that people's bodies and brains give up and which is why people here will point out that sticking to the higher level of the range is preferable.
If you haven't done so already, I think you'll find it helpful to tell yourself that this isn't a race but a move to a new healthy way of life and that it's not only a way of losing weight but a journey of learning, in how to eat in a sensible and healthy way after you have lost that weight.
There is much enjoyment to be had in this forum and many friends to meet and I believe that the more active you allow yourself to be here, the likelier your chances of success.
All the best
I see that you also mention problems with inflammation and that moreless has provided you links that may help explain and perhaps mitigate this.
It would mean taking a slightly different tack to that of only calorie counting but if it can help you then that would be great.
Thank you. I am going to educate myself more this time which i am hoping will make it better. I am going to be more aware what i am putting into my body and drink a lot more water. I had a colonoscopy yesterday and so i have had a good detox. It has also put me on the right track being out all weekend i was drinking lots of water and then because i had to clear my bowels out again drinking lots which has helped me start on the right track. I do not want to eat anything that is going to make me feel tired and sluggish anymore. I have been in a good mood all week, and am more alert and not tired at all but still getting a good nights sleep. I'm getting up early and not sleeping in most of the morning. I am determined to keep this feeling going.
Thankyou. I done the BMI calculator and am doing calorie counting. I went shopping today and was checking everything i was putting in the trolley. Also i made a shopping list checking the items online for the amount of calories. When i tried dieting before i only made a few changes and didn't do research or calorie counting. I couldn't move around much because i had undiagnosed inflammation. But am now on medication for it and now can't stop moving lol
Hi and welcome to the forum!
Re having a treat - as tigger has said ... you may redefine what a "treat" is.
A treat isn't a bar of chocolate every night - it may be once a week.
Is a treat a takeaway?? - why not make your own takeaways and the you can have them every night!!!
Is a treat a trip to the cinema every weekend where you spend an extra £10 a night on a fizzy pop and nacho's?? Why not ditch the pop and nacho's every visit and all of a sudden you've saved enough to pay for a cinema season ticket!!!
My way of thinking of whats a treat has certainly changed over time - it's just looking at things differently

I'm with you about creating your own takeaways. It's always going to be healthier and in most cases tastier.