Not looking forward to cooking everyon... - Weight Loss Support

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Not looking forward to cooking everyone's dinner at Christmas, just looking forward to opening prezzi's No calories in them. Ha ha.

Fatzara profile image
20 Replies

Well we have 6 people here for Christmas dinner, everyone is slim except of course me, so I have ordered M&S ready prepared food to pick up Christmas Eve, so there is virtually no prep, (trying to avoid snacking and picking) ordered most things I don't particularly like, (then I won't be tempted to eat more than my low calorie option) with the drinks all sorted for my guests, for me( soda water with lime slice and on the rocks ) my treat will be my present to myself, bath bombs scented candle, and Chanel moisturiser, determined to take the lead in cherades and hide and seek to avoid sofa sitting, so all in all I have a plan.... Hope this works, please wish me luck!!

However if you have any extra suggestions that could help me to avoid, eating until full, drinking until merry, dozing on the sofa, family arguments, Christmas gushy movies, and still be happy,

PLEASE let me know XX " Have a lovely Christmas"

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20 Replies

If it gets too much a nice walk even if its pouring with rain

I did that last year on boxing day with the dog when no one else wanted to get wet I add !! but did it for that break away for sanity

Merry Christmas x

Fatzara profile image
Fatzara in reply to

Oh thank you Kath, not having a dog I didn't consider that, however that's a really good idea, so I have just text one of my guests to bring their dog, so hopefully I can get walking too. Wish me luck....

BerlinBetty profile image
BerlinBettyVisitor in reply to Fatzara

The French Romantic poet Gerard de Nerval used to take his pet lobster for a walk.

I leave that with you as an idea....

B xx

Fatzara profile image
Fatzara in reply to BerlinBetty

Just read your lobster suggestion, umm ... Well that's unique, my husband is very partial to lobster so wouldn't last long as a pet, he would find it hard to resist. However you have set my mind wandering, off to finish all my wrapping now. XX got to get it done.

Nowisthetime profile image
Nowisthetime2 stone in reply to Fatzara

Great idea!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Good morning Fatzara and welcome to the forum :)

It sounds as though you have a great day planned and remember, the most important thing is enjoying that time together, not what you're all eating and drinking. Here are some Christmas tips one forum member posted

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There will be something going on here every day so do drop in. Why not print off one of the Christmas quizzes to keep you all entertained?

BerlinBetty profile image

Hello Darling - I refuse to call you by your chosen name! You sound to have your busy day all sorted.

Well Pants to everyone else being slim darn it, however much you love them! I bet that means a significant proportion of them are young. I was slim for most of my life then the Jolly Old Menopause moved in on me (Unwelcome Guest) and Nature took a bicycle pump to my figure.

But enough of that. Your soda and lime sounds wonderful and also such a good way to stay hydrated during that enjoyable - but if you are hosting - challenging day. Drinking lots of water represses the appetite too, so Keep Swigging (and Dancing, of course).

Have a Good One. love Betty

Fatzara profile image

Well Betty thank you, the name ha...I am hoping to give myself a name change in a good few months. My tactic, when I see it in print, it shocks me, hopefully into action. No they are all grown ups, I have 6 sisters, they are slim except me. But I am really hoping I have turned a corner, if I could get to a size 14 I would be happy . The menopause arghh... I am struggling with that too, so you have a buddy there. I have always been healthy and fingers crossed will stay that way, for a while longer. I am sure it's the HRT that helped me gain weight, but as a choice, no libido or be curvy.... A tough choice. Well off to finish wrapping now, yes I will keep sipping the water,( good for my skin too) . Have a lovely Christmas X

BerlinBetty profile image
BerlinBettyVisitor in reply to Fatzara

And you x

purpleshoes2 profile image

Family gatherings are the always tough - well done on you hosting though and planning in advanced being aware of what your weak points may be.

We are having a family gathering but like yours (except I have 4 brothers and 1 sister) got the opposite problem of bar 2 who aren’t there we are all large 😬 including the partners. We wouldnt normally go (Christmas Day us alone) but decided it was better not to have any Christmas food in the house as my will power is not too high at the moment.

Like someone just above we are taking our dog and walking him afterwards, it’s down by the sea which we don’t get to walk to often as we are miles away so I am looking forward to that.

The other one, much to the amusement of the others (I may need to bring my own I think the brothers who cooking thinks I’m joking) is having a smaller plate. I know I won’t go back for seconds because phycologically I know that’s not right.

I’m hoping my doing that I can also join in the cake/pudding/cheese. 😬 I’ve also got a smaller dish for the puddings

Fatzara profile image
Fatzara in reply to purpleshoes2

Family is everything to me, we all love each other irrespective of size, it must be same for you and yours. I know it's tricky at gatherings, one doesn't want to appear awkward or different, while we are all socialising, however I just can't eat the same as them without putting on weight, every last one of them never put an ounce and eat and drink virtually anything. I have now decided that rather than mention it to them I will be just adjusting everything. Mine will look similiar to theirs but won't be so calorie loaded. I have got to do this, I have devided.

Your situation seems slightly different, however you are right to alter your portion size, and give yourself a small treat as in pudding, why not try a fruit option if available, or take one with you,

Good luck and let's see if we can stick to our plans together, there is nothing worse than feeling guilty for over indulging.

All my wrapping is done, my house is clean and smelling festive, thanks to Yankee"autumn velvet". Going to have a soak and try a new eye shadow colour, anything to stop me eating or drinking. XX have a nice Christmas, oh and yes I am borrowing their dog so will be having a brisk walk after lunch, hopefully dishes will be done ready for my return. Haha.i can only dream haha.....x

Pineapple27 profile image

In order to lose weight and then more importantly KEEP IT OFF.... we have to learn how to make this a whole lifestyle change. From the way you've written this, I almost read that you are already of the mindset that you cannot deal with the whole food thing.... and if you go into the festive period with this kind of mindset, you are almost setting yourself up for failure.

Try telling yourself that this Christmas will be different. Just because everyone else is eating everything in sight, doesn't mean you need to do likewise. If you fall by the wayside, you'll inevitably feel annoyed, upset and like a failure.BUT Christmas is one day. Yes, it's a time when we tend to see family and friends and eat - but probably most people don't enjoy eating to the point of feeling completely stuffed so that they are uncomfortable!

Christmas dinner itself is (can be) quite a healthy meal, depending on what you've planned. Turkey is extremely low calorie and high in protein. Vegetables are also very low calories and full of fibre. Ensure you have plenty of turkey (try and avoid the skin), plenty of veg - and cut back on things like roast potatoes. Ready made Yorkshire puds aren't too high in calories.

On Christmas day we don't have three meals - usually just plenty of cups of tea, our Christmas lunch and then a "picky" salad tea or a few cheese and crackers.

I know that many people have a HUGHE cooked breakfast, a three course main meal with cheese and biscuits.... and then carry on eating. I am just physically unable to eat that amount any longer as I have altered the amount I eat.

Pastry and many ready made snacks (the mini Chinese/Indian type) are very calorie laden.

Try and avoid things like sausage rolls, mince pies, pigs in blankets, cream.....

I have been on my weight loss journey for almost 6 years now and Christmas food and my behaviour around it have changed considerably in that time.

I no longer dread the Christmas food. I enjoy it. I cook sensible (smaller) portions and don't cook extra "just in case" (no body goes hungry on Christmas day!)

I want to come out of Christmas feeling accomplished and ready to see in the new year. I definitely don't want to undo all of my hard work in just what is essentially 4/5 days!

As for the menopause, it may make weight loss more of a challenge - but definitely not impossible. I am 56 years old, only 4ft 8" and have a significant physical disability which means that I use a wheelchair when outside of the house.

What I will say is that losing 4 stone has made a massive different to my pain, improved my mobility and above all, given me a new found confidence!

You CAN do this - really you can. You just have to believe it.

Fatzara profile image
Fatzara in reply to Pineapple27

Well good on you, you are absolutely right, and well done , thank you for your ideas. Much appreciated. :-)

Because Christmas is a tricky time for me, and I can't listen to others "saying go on, one won't hurt you" etc.

To avoid being different, I have made a plan and I intend to stick to it, my turkey will be just breast not the rich butterball 6 meat roast, my sprouts will be steamed with a little salt and pepper, my parsnips will be boiled and mashed with suede. Theirs will be M&S with rich shaved and gravy.

So no gravy, no sauces, or anything processed, still plenty of colour and flavour so will look appetising, and similiar to theirs.

I love Christmas, the carol services, the get togethers, the fun, just need a few adjustments.

It's only a week of festivities and then I will be back at work and can hopefully get back to my new routine.

Good luck with yours and "have a super Christmas" X keep you posted if I succeed. :-)X

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Fatzara

It sounds like you are doing everything right! It can be hard work to eat differently to others - I hope that some of your family are supporting you with your endeavours :-)

Fatzara profile image
Fatzara in reply to Pineapple27

X Happy Christmas

G1nny profile image

Good luck, sounds like a great plan.

Fatzara profile image
Fatzara in reply to G1nny

Thank you, let's hope I can stick to it :-) here's to "being slimmer" have a lovely Christmas. X

I am going to go against the grain here...

It is one day of the year. It is not after one day of eating poorly that we need to lose weight. Even if you do eat until full, drink until merry and fall asleep on the sofa all day....what is the worst that will happen? You might gain a little bit the next day but in the grand scheme of things it's ok.

For this to be sustainable for life we have to realise that sometimes events happen (weddings, birthdays, christmas). If you know that saying you will never eat 'bad' food ever again is not sustainable for the rest of your life, why not try and see if you can form a healthy relationship with this food now.

The reason that obesity is a problem is because we overeat all day and everyday. I am not going to lie and say that since reaching my goal weight I have never overeaten...I have. But this a rare occasion now - and I am pretty sure Christmas Day will be another day this might happen. I am sure if I get on the scales in January I will be heavier...but I will then go back to eating 'normally'.

I don't buy unhealthy food generally. I cook well and eat well. However, if eating out, eating socially with others or at someone's house...I let my hair down. If someone offers me some chocolate and I want it, I eat it. BUT I enjoy it!! I am a teacher and just been given some chocolates from the kids I teach - the parents said to me 'seeing how slim you are now I imagine you won't be eating that chocolate'...ermmm yes I am!! The difference is, I sit down and enjoy it. I take one chocolate in the evening after dinner and enjoy it! Whereas I used to binge, stuff my face, eat standing up in the kitchen and not actually savour each mouthful. If you want to eat something, at least enjoy it without feeling guilty.

I have realised that successful weight loss and weight maintenance has to start with our mind set - we have to realise this is forever. If you're restricting yourself or feeling like you can't keep this up forever, something has to give. For me that something was wine and chocolate during special occasions :-)

So my advice is, enjoy it. don't stress!

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to donttrustaskinnycook

Great response donttrustaskinnycook and this echoes my own experience.

Being able to resist temptation and knowing how to control our behaviour with food - changing what we previously once did... is what helps to ensure that our weight loss is maintained.

It's so true that once you manage to get your mind and head into the right place, the rest becomes a whole lot easier.

13Valerie profile image

Best wishes to you ♥️ sounds like you are well prepared.

I suggest a stroll with the guests during the day. It's a great stress buster💕🎅

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