Not doing so great: I hope everyone had... - Weight Loss Support

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Not doing so great

Mimi_new_mum profile image
31 Replies

I hope everyone had a lovely week and enjoying the weekend.

I just completed the third week of my weight loss programme, but after the first week I just did not manage to cook properly for myself, count calories or do any exercising. It is so frustrating, while I am so excited to get into shape again, the last two weeks have been awful with my little baby needing constant attention. As a result, I could hardly focus on myself, cook anything decent and plan my steps. I have managed to maintain that 1 kg loss from week one, but feel so annoyed nothing happened in week 2 and 3. Feeling a bit down as a result. I hope my little one gets a bit better and I can resume my diet and workouts, I miss them so much.

Best of luck to everyone and thanks for the support x

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Mimi_new_mum profile image
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31 Replies

Life will always throw twists and turn at you, especially when you have a little one as well!

The workouts and exercise may take a dip but try to keep up the healthier eating! If you have a good day with a bit of spare time or quieter time see if you can prep a few healthier options. I understand time is a major factor when trying to eat healthier so if you do get chance to plan or make a healthy option, try and do it when you get that chance :)

I hope things ease up on you next week

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to

Thank you so much! The last two weeks were so hard with little one feeling poorly, it made it impossible to cook and plan. But I am definitely a fan of planning and preparing foods for the week and am happy to say that with hubby at home today, I managed to make enough healthy soups for the week ahead. Fingers crossed next week I get some results!

Have a lovely week and thank you again for the lovely message.

in reply to Mimi_new_mum

Getting into that healthy habit of prepping food whilst you get the chance will help. Good on you for taking the chance whilst you could :)

MsDynamite profile image

Being a new mum is hard work and you should be proud of maintaining your loss. Little steps and try not be hard on yourself. I know its easy to say but seriously you doing brilliantly xxx

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to MsDynamite

Thank you so much for your kind words! It is definitely a very challenging time, little one is quite unwell unfortunately so I spend all my time trying to comfort her and attend to her needs. It makes it impossible to think about food prep sometimes, so often i just end up having toast with something...I hope good habits keep me going and soon I can start to get into shape!

MsDynamite profile image
MsDynamite7lbs in reply to Mimi_new_mum

You doing great maintaining and not gaining is a good situation to be in xxx

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to MsDynamite

Thank you x

Joanney69 profile image

Having a 3 month old baby who constantly needs your attention is not surprising - that's what they do. That time will pass very quickly - you may not think so now, but whatever you do, don't begrudge her your time, as you can never get this precious time back & honestly, you need to give your body time to recover from pregnancy and birth, not try to force it back to pre pregnancy shape. Don't think I'm speaking out of turn, but you are not the priority, the helpless little soul who depends on you is. Are you feeding her yourself, as that takes a lot out of your body. Eat healthy, get enough sleep and enjoy your baby 👶 they don't stay that way for long.

anniedogwalker profile image
anniedogwalker in reply to Joanney69

Well said, joanney69!

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to Joanney69

Definitely, I agree with you. She is my number one priority and that's why any meal planning and walks go out of the window very quickly when she has a though day and would not nap or sleep. But i definitely feel a sense of pressure to look after my own health as i want to be a good role model for her, I want her to see me well, active and copy those healthy habits as early as possible in her life. I love it when she plays on her mat and I do yoga next to her, I feel like we bond over being active and that means the world to me. I grew up with very different values, inactive parents always battling obesity, so I feel a lot of pressure to install good healthy habits early in her life.

Joanney69 profile image
Joanney69 in reply to Mimi_new_mum

Of course you should look after your own health, but don't put so much pressure on yourself - relax, take it easy, your body is still adjusting. I'm sure putting the baby in her buggy and getting both of you out in the fresh air for a nice walk will do you both the world of good 😊

Joanney69 profile image
Joanney69 in reply to Mimi_new_mum

Just another little thought, if you are stressed or agitated because you can't get done what you want to, it could have an affect on baby, they pick up on your feelings /emotions, so it could be a catch 22 situation.

Tiggerr profile image

Well done for staying the same despite all that going on. That's pretty positive and shows that you're able to eat sensibly despite everything going on.

I'm intrinsically lazy when it comes to cooking during the week so I tend to make batches of food that I freeze for later.

If you've got some spare time coming up, perhaps you can utilize it to plan as much of your coming week.

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to Tiggerr

Thank you so much for the supporting message. Definitely will try to find time to make those healthy soups, I love it when I can just hit that 5 a day, super healthy, low calorie target in one meal!

anniedogwalker profile image

It’s hard with a little baby, lack of sleep, lack of time. Any chance of you making a large batch of something you could portion and freeze? That would help when time makes it difficult to make the right choices, or make a tuna , or prawn, or chicken salad, takes minutes. There are lots of ideas here. But for the exercise, by the time you’ve walked about carrying a baby, done the wash/dry/put away, cleaned, shopped and been up and down every 5 mns, maybe exercise can wait😇? Concentrate on food choices! Good luckMimi_new_mum!

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to anniedogwalker

I agree! The last three days my little one has needed to be held constantly. Today i woke up with such muscle pain, it reminded me when I used to train intensely. I was amused when I realised the muscle ache is due to holding my baby girl and rocking her all day, I guess it is a good enough workout for the time being :-)

Mimi_new_mum profile image

Thank you so much ,that's a great tip which i shall definitely try next week.

Lilli-Anna profile image

You are in the thick of a challenging (but oh so short, really) stage of life. I agree with others who encourage you to be gentle on yourself; be positive at keeping that 1kg you lost in the first week at bay; and to do what you can in planning good food choices when you can. Before you know it your precious little one will be sleeping better and you'll have more margin in your day. I remember dancing around (and on!) the sofa with my littles - so much fun and good movement for me. I never saw walking out with them as exercise as the pace was always so variable with the picking-up of leaves and noticing the birds. Very, very good for my mental health though, I'm sure! You will get there as you persevere. One day at a time, do what you can and be at peace.

Margotegg profile image


I’ve got a 5 month old who is actually really easy compared to my last and I still struggle to fit in exercise! It’s hard when they’re unsettled because you feel you can’t really start anything (exercise/cooking) because you, more than likely, have to stop halfway through. Now, I put on my workout clothes in the morning so I can quickly start something the moment she falls asleep for her first nap! I feel so much better having done it.

One of the best thing though is putting them in the pushchair and walking in fresh air- feels great!

I hope your baby feels better soon, take care of yourself 🙂

Vickytom profile image

It’s very hard being a new mum and your body has taken a massive hammering. You will be having exercise looking after the baby. Just concentrate in eating what’s healthy, so that your body can recoup what it needs to and adjust to the huge hormone adjustments taking place right now. You will be fine. Take heart. You didn’t put it back on; always a bonus!! 😊

molly165 profile image

Hello Mimi

I would echo others on here and just remind you to be kind to yourself. There’s so much pressure to be back to your pre pregnancy body but it’s never as quick as the magazines say!

At times like this think of your exercise as a walk with the baby in the buggy or strap her to you in a sling and go for a walk if she needs to be close to you.

If affordable buy some pre chopped carrots and hummus for a healthy snack. Have some fruit and nuts to hand. You can also get stir fry veg ready to go and throw in a protein and it’s a quick meal.

And get a sleep in whilst she does too!!

FattySquirrel profile image
FattySquirrel7lbs in reply to molly165

That’s so so true, sleep is so important. If you’re body is rested and you’re eating healthy the weight should hopefully drop off each week.

I have three older boys aged 14,12 and 10 and it was hard! But my fastest weight loss was after my number 2, as I used to go to bed at 8pm sharp with my elder toddler and the baby. My toddler then was a nightmare to put to sleep so I decided to use the spare room for all three of us to sleep at the same time! My husband was just thankful he didn’t have to help!! The weight just fell off.

I now have a two year old, but an addition of 4.5 stones weight, but I have gone from 14st 10lb to 13st 13.5lb, and I am ecstatic as I still can’t fit in my exercise most days due to feeling exhausted after my three school runs!!

That’s so lovely you can do exercise next to her playing on her mat, just stay relaxed and you will naturally get back to normal when you’re body is ready.

Jane1111 profile image

It’s the hardest thing, to find time for your self with a small baby. But you have joined up and made a start, that’s an achievement in itself! So well done, one step at a time and you’ll get there x

Pickle_77 profile image

Hi Mimi

There is nothing I can say that these lovely people havnt said yet but yes it is sooooo tiring and challenging being a new Mum it takes a lot of adjustment but we get there 😀 our eldest is getting married Saturday and I still remember how utterly exhausted and bewildered I was as a new Mum ( he’s 31 this year ) ... take each day as it comes and just eat as healthy as you can ... it will help your stamina that’s for sure ... try and enjoy your darling baby as it will go soooooo quickly ! Lol ... best wishes to you

lnlondon profile image

Hi Mimi,

Much good advice has already been given. Well done on maintaining during this tricky time. When I had my son, my life saver was a sling wrap. Stick him on, go out for a walk. Nappies, wipes, purse, phone keys, spare inside, off you go. When required, use at home, too, much easier to eat and go to toilet with baby on you :)

Not saying sling wrap is a must, but perhaps you can find some baby carrier system that works for both of you? Little one only accepted the Stokke Carrier and specific ways of being strapped on. All else was NOT accepted.

Remember, you're the only mum she has, she adores you as much as you clearly do her and that's all she needs. She isn't taking notes or comparing, so try not to get sucked into the 'mum-rat-race'. The healthy active things, you're doing them, she'll pick it up.

Wishing you all the best and some sleep x

ajha profile image

You have done really well. If you have a wee baby and are able to maintain your weight you are a hero.

Dolphin73 profile image

Hi I have a very active, full of nonsense toddler around to care for after busy nightshifts.. I try to squeeze in 10 mins exercise were I can during the day.. could be dance, stairs.. anything you fancy.. even cuddling baby and doing squats.. it all adds up.. life is hard being a new mum .. harder still if you trying to eat well, exercise.. good luck to you.

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to Dolphin73

You are an inspiration! How amazing you manage all of this, it must be exhausting. You are so right, little things add up, trying to do more activities with little one, I think it gets more and more exciting once they start crawling and doing more things. Mine just started turning and already playtime is so much fun. Enjoy your little one and thanks so much for your lovely message xx

rachyjones profile image

Hi Mimi, you're doing amazing!! I've never had children so cannot imagine how hard it is. Keep going, we're always here for support. You will get there, planning will get easier, either by pre planning or (healthy) convenience food. Good luck! :)

Mimi_new_mum profile image
Mimi_new_mum in reply to rachyjones

Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it xx

Dolphin73 profile image

Hi M the slow cooker is my best friend... throw everything in and let the magic begin.. steamed veges, rice/ cauli mash even better.. and it’s a smiley face on your tummy.. more playtime with baby.. so many exciting things to come for you.. even now at 2 yrs my LG surprised me everyday..xx

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