I’m Working from home tomorrow - hope I gave the strength to stay away from the snacks 🤞
Home: I’m Working from home tomorrow... - Weight Loss Support

Put the snacks well out of sight and put the fruit bowl by the kettle to help you choose a healthy snack while your at home. Have a good day.

Do you have a plan?
How about working out your meals for tomorrow and posting them now in the Daily Diary? And try to make them substantial meals so you don't get hungry between times. Then have a plan for those times when the snacking is just habit rather than hunger - have a 10 min break from work, walk around, put on music, make a cuppa (with no additions! ) - anything to break the automatic "reach for a snack" action.

Darlings, I address all those who are at home tomorrow and worry about snacks.
Don't do it now because it's late and dark, and you don't want to be wandering around the streets in your jammies or tripping up over the cat in the back garden.
Tal65 and colleagues, I'm afraid you know what's coming next:
Get up in good time, go into the kitchen or wherever else they lurk, collect up those snacks, bag them, then walk to a bin and chuck them away. If that bin is at home then pour something nasty on them so you're not tempted to retrieve. Believe an Old Crumbly Veteran of this particular war: eat more at meal times if you need to do so, exercise in between meals, even if it's a circular trot round your home-office - and DON'T SNACK. If you've been brought up to do this last, or have evolved a snacking habit over time, this is the hardest thing to stop but believe me, crack this and you're halfway there, whatever your weight-loss goal.
Love to all those fridge-safe crackers and kitchen-cupboard pilferers.
You can buck-it if you squidge and chuck-it !! (Apologies to B+Q advertising...)
Berlin Betty
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Hi Tal65
Have some fizzy water and sliced lemon. Yoghurt and grapes on hand
Thanks for all the advice, I have now factored in going to the gym as advised by Berlin Betty and I will go and get some fizzy water, thanks Soobeez. And, I going to try and the dance/ walk around when temptation starts, thanks Mary Manc thanks everyone.