Walking.......: Well, I am following... - Weight Loss Support

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Laura97 profile image
33 Replies

Well, I am following everyone's advice.

Yesterday I walked to the village and back. It really isn't far, but for me it was akin to climbing Ben Nevis.

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Laura97 profile image
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33 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Well done Laura 😊. All steps are good steps

My husband climbed Ben Nevis (and not on a good day) couldn’t see a thing from the top 😂

rozwalts profile image
rozwalts in reply to IndigoBlue61

It isn't the going up that bothers me, it is the hundreds of ways I could find to come down again, none of 'em pleasant. :(

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to rozwalts

Coming down was very difficult . . . 😕. Rather him than me!!!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

You're just starting Laura97 , Ben Nevis'll be on the cards before you know it :D

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Lovely photo, well done for your walk.. 👟👟. We all start somewhere..

Well done. It doesn't matter if you can only do a short walk at first. You start there and work up to longer ones.

Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to

I felt so proud of myself!

Clematisa1 profile image
Clematisa11st 7lbsMaintainer in reply to

You are so right jo080448 :) and it's great that Laura97 is even starting a short walk!

rozwalts profile image

Go you. ;) Keep at it lass, you will be climbing Mount Everest next. Just watch those infernal knees, not to mention the snow, ice and altitude. ;)

Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to rozwalts

Can you send me some knee supports?

The ones you stuck in the washing machine will do.

rozwalts profile image
rozwalts in reply to Laura97

I ended up chucking them in the bin. I washed them six times, but the stink just wouldn't go away. It was so bad it was making me dizzy, it wasn't doing much for 'himself' either. Shame though as they were a good idea, recommended by the NHS too.

Wondering if I ought to buy that blue self sticking stuff from Morrison's tomorrow. I used it on my wrist, so I know it works.

SquirrelNutkin profile image
SquirrelNutkinHealthy BMI

Sounds great. The way I see it is that it is best to start small and increase things slowly. Better than doing a marathon once and never moving again.

Hope you can do it again over the weekend.

Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to SquirrelNutkin

Ha ha ha Yes I can see myself doing a marathon and having to be carried away in disgrace after the first forty yards.

At least I've started walking, though. I was surprised by how good I felt afterwards, just for having done it.

SquirrelNutkin profile image
SquirrelNutkinHealthy BMI in reply to Laura97

Aw. Come on. Reckon you did more than 40 yards today. There’s many a person here started with a little walk who do lots more now. I think it is about just doing everything steadily. Think you’ll do a marathon before me.

Florys profile image

I love the photo. Walking is doing only good for your body and your mind.

You choosed a difficult route. Probably you love the challenges 😁

And you made it, even your bones probably are screaming because of the pain.😑

Well... Well done and keep walking😄🤗

Pineapple27 profile image

Hi Laura97

Welcome to this wonderful site. I’ve been reading some of your past posts about your amazing weight loss so far and that you don’t enjoy exercise/walking.

For me, I was the same when I started on my weight loss journey 6 years ago. I had a good “excuse” as to why I was overweight and why my lack of movement had contributed to my being overweight.

I have a physical disability affecting my arms and legs.

I have two younger sisters (both now in their 50’s like me) who are extremely active. They have both been rock climbers, one cycles 14 miles to and from work each day, one is always undertaking various physical challenges. Perhaps they are both that way because they have the experience of having a sister who’s not able to move very easily.... I don’t know.

I used to think that people who said that they “loved” their exercise sessions (what ever form that took) must have been lying. I really didn’t believe that anyone could actually enjoy exercise!

Anyhow, I lost 2 stone initially without any exercise, so I knew that it wasn’t an essential part of losing weight.

Over my weight loss journey I have massively increased my mobility. I now realise that movement is not just about burning calories, it is about joint health, heart health and reducing the risks of preventable diseases like diabetes. I also rid myself of asthma, which I hadn’t attributed to my weight, as other family members have it.

But the other thing that I hadn’t appreciated was just how my lack of mobility and stamina was holding me back in my life. I hadn’t been living my life fully because of the fear of not being able to stand or walk. Slowly I’ve built up my strength, my stamina... and my confidence!

Last year I did my first ever safari holiday and it was incredible. It was only possible because I had managed to lose weight and improve my fitness levels.

If you don’t enjoy walking, there are other things you may find that you do enjoy. It might be gardening, swimming, yoga, dancing, Pilates.... there are so many things nowadays to suit all levels of ability.

Exercise has to be enjoyable and fit into our busy lives or we just don’t do it!

Finally, here are some previous messages I’ve posted that you may find interesting or relevant. The first link also has a picture of me so that you can see how my disability affects me (it’s me doing Pilates).



BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Pineapple27

Great post Pineapple27 , as ever. That's a great tribute to the all round benefits of exercise/activity, and the difference it has made to you :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Pineapple27

Fabulous post Pineapple 😊. I agree totally about having more confidence to get out there and LIVE life when you feel fitter

margo3011 profile image

Well done for your walk Laura! Lovely photo!

rachyjones profile image

Well done Laura, that's great!! Just like everyone else is saying, all exercise is wonderful. A little bit here and there is what it takes. It was a real challenge for you but it will get easier. I'm guilty of doing big sessions on the treadmill once or twice a week and big couch potato sessions for the rest of the week! So now I'm working on little doable stints each day and if course the big runs on the treadmill! Keep going, we'll get there. :)

Clematisa1 profile image
Clematisa11st 7lbsMaintainer in reply to rachyjones

I started out that way too rachyjones and then treated myself from my saved smoking money just before Christmas to a "Fitbit" and have never looked back! :) Must be my competitive side kicking in as I now get up to make sure I've done 250 steps every hour for 8 hours, lol! I also add my "Time Moving " into the Time To Move Challenge and the Kicking the Kms to the Moon Challenge that's on here on a Monday!

Last week I found anther one here which is the A - Z of Movement and it links in to loads of videos so I'm trying these out this week... :)

Wish I knew how to put the links on in here as that would make it easier for anyone reading my post here! :)

Clematisa1 profile image
Clematisa11st 7lbsMaintainer

Hi Laura97, that's a fabulous photo! :) I have now found that all steps are good! On my weight loss journey so far I've had quite a few stops / starts / ups and downs over the last few months! I started when I had put on over 2 stones - the result of stopping smoking... oh dear :(

The good news is my smoke free app tells me I have now saved over £4 500 the bad news is that I've probably spent a fair amount of that on food...

Best wishes on your continued weight loss journey! I'd love to know how you have already managed to lose 3 stones! :)

I'm stuck going up and down round the 1 stone mark so far and have another +1 stone to lose if I can get past the 9st 7lbs mark - I did but then put back on about 2lbs!

Hope you are getting some good feedback on here and if you have any recipes / meal ideas / diet info to share I'd be very interested!

Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to Clematisa1

Heavens! My husband and I gave up smoking three months ago. I have calculated that we've saved about seven hundred pounds.

I wish I had put that money into an ISA.



Dice three medium-sized onions, one large carrot, one leek, one large potato, and 1/4 of a swede. Make sure the swede is diced finely.

Put the ingredients into the rice cooker.

Add two ounces of barley and 900ml stock. I use three Knorr chicken stock cubes. this ensures that the soup is Vegan-friendly for my daughter.

Bring to the boil then simmer for 45 minutes. Add an ounce of basmati rice and simmer gently for another ten mins.

You can make this in a pan on the cooker, needless to say, and you can use any kind of rice.

People who are not vegetarian or vegan can add cooked chicken to this soup.

SquirrelNutkin profile image
SquirrelNutkinHealthy BMI in reply to Laura97

I was taking down this recipe for my step mum who doesn’t eat meat but I am a bit confused about the chicken stock cubes. I checked them out and they contain a bit of chicken so wonder if you meant vegetable stock cubes?

Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to SquirrelNutkin

I did mean veg ones. Sorry. I was cooking chicken whilst putting the recipe on the website and got mixed up.

Thanks for pointing it out.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Laura97

Well spotted Squirrel 😊

Clematisa1 profile image
Clematisa11st 7lbsMaintainer

Laura97, I did start saving but somehow I got sidetracked :( I have the Smoke Free app on my phone which is great for giving me my latest stats! I put in that I was on 20 a day so about £10 a day but if there are 2 of you it might be more... :(

Like the look of your soup recipe so am saving that - you should put it up on the daily diary! :)

Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to Clematisa1

Crikey. I posted 'Nightmare of a Website' yesterday, explaining that I found it difficult to navigate round this particular website. I seriously doubt that I'd be able to find anywhere to put the soup recipe up.

Oh, and after reading some of the replies I got, I almost chucked the website in.


Clematisa1 profile image
Clematisa11st 7lbsMaintainer in reply to Laura97

Must have a look at that post then, lol! :) I will see if I can find a way to post your recipe now that I've saved it to my recipes! I'm in the middle of doing a kind of stir fry and trying to decide whether red rice or something else would be less carbs...? Any ideas?

Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to Clematisa1

To my great surprise I have found the way to put the soup recipe up.

I am going to add it: I shall also put my quick chicken risotto up.

Technology will not beat me. I have avoided the ironing whilst on this site, which can only be a good thing.

Clematisa1 profile image
Clematisa11st 7lbsMaintainer in reply to Laura97

Ooops sorry hope I haven't mucked your idea up!!! I'll now have a look for your chicken risotto! I used to do all my ironing back in the day when I had to write the dreaded "Forward Plan" , quite amazing how much housework I could get done over some of those days... aaaargggh but now I'm retired and don't have to do the dreaded "FP!" so any excuse not to iron is a good one as far as I'm concerned! :)

Clematisa1 profile image
Clematisa11st 7lbsMaintainer

Hi Laura97 hope you don't mind but I have posted your recipe for soup on the Daily Diary as I thought it could be enjoyed by everyone! And it looks like low cal / low carb and all the rest of it! Hopefully I have put it here...


Laura97 profile image
Laura97 in reply to Clematisa1

Yay! Thank you so much.

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