I want to loose my weight fast in like 5 days please help me I am fed up of being fat
Fat: I want to loose my weight fast in... - Weight Loss Support

Hi and welcome, summerlouise
You're not going to lose much fat in 5 days and we don't go in for fast weight loss.
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Can't help with the five day thing summerlouise . You saying you're fed up with being fat suggests you've been overweight for quite a while. If it's taken a while to gain, it's going to take a while to lose, especially if you want it to stay lost Good luck
If you put it on in 5 days then you should be able to lose it in 5 days. If it's taken you longer then unfortunately, like the others have already intimated it will take longer.
Good luck!
Losing significant fat in 5 days is, as the others have said, not really going to happen. But you can definitely make yourself feel better in that time. Ditch sugary snacks and any fizzy drinks you’re having, and drink lots of water. Make sure you eat enough food (you can find what your daily calorie intake should be on the NHS BMI calculator). Five days is certainly long enough to feel less bloated and probably more energised, too.
Good advice given here by all, summerlouise. My quest for wanting to lose weight really quickly, just like you, has left me overweight for too many years to count. You have to change your mindset because weight loss doesn't work that way. Leaving yourself hungry ALWAYS backfires. It's unfortunately a lifestyle change. Not just one or two weeks. You need to be conscious all the time of what you are eating and wean yourself off of the bad foods. My thinking of -I'm going to do this MY way" has failed me all this time. But yet I KEEP trying to do it MY way, after all these years. Go figure.😔
Aww Louise, being 'fat' can feel just that bad, cant it. I feel your misery and all i can do is offer you support. 5 days? Well, you know that even if you managed to lose 4lbs of 'water weight' in that time, it wouldnt give you what you need. As i bet, like my many many previous weight loss attempts, that would just be your next entry into the 'yo yo' game. What was it Einstein said about the definition of insanity? Yep, you got it, doing the same thing over and and over again, whislt expecting different results! Depressing for us, but so true. This will take time. But, here's the good news! It took me 3 years to get this fat, but only 4 months to lose a third of it😀my goal is 3 stone and i'll have achieved it by July. I eat well, i do intermittent fasting, i drink wine! And i am really motivated to make lasting changes and the latter is key. You will get lots of support here. Good luck and stay involved here