I keep reading contradictory comments about eating low or full fat options as the lower fat option is generally higher in sugar although lower in fat. Should I go back to full fat milk,cheese,yogurt etc?
Low fat or Full fat???: I keep reading... - Weight Loss Support
Low fat or Full fat???

I eat Full Fat, by far the biggest benefit I have found is the satiety it brings, I discovered a while back that carbs (sugar) make me personally hungry, even when I am not nutritionally hungry, which without willpower would mean overeating and therefore weight gain.
You're correct in thinking when they take Fat out of a factory produced product they do have to fill that gap with something, which is normally carbohydrate.
Fat is more energy dense than sugar, 1g of Fat contains 9 calories whereas 1g of Carbohydrate contains 4 calories, this is the new common argument being used by a lot of organisations now in their defence to why they still feel it's a valid to not recommend you eat fat, however if you eat fat correctly then like I say you should feel more satisfied and therefore not need or feel you need to eat as much.
Thanks for that, just read your profile, very inspiring
Keep it up😋
No worries there, I am never going back!
That's a decision I've made "not going back" I lost 8 stone gym & diet. Stopped the gym started to drink again put 3 stone back on.going to gym tomorrow and for the rest if my life
I must admit this confuses me too.
The advice about not eating full fat goes back to the 70s, and was based on research done by an American, Ancel Keys. There is a lot of controversy about how accurate the science was. At the same time there was research by a British professor, John Yudkin, who found that too much sugar was making people ill. The world went with the advice on not eating fat, unfortunately.
Robert Lustig's book "Fat Chance" gives a good modern explanation on how food affects our bodies. His conclusion is that fat is not the problem, but too much sugar is a serious health problem.
I went back to eating full fat a few years ago and cut out as much 'free sugar' as I could. It has helped improve my health, stops me feeling hungry and hasn't made me put on weight.
This is one site that has links to science papers, if you are interested.
Thanks for the info
There is good News report (US but still relevant in the UK), which puts a lot of the Facts into a simple and easy to follow video, which I used this week to explain the current argument to a couple of older members of my family.
Obviously you need to form your own opinions at the end of day, as you and you alone are responsible for your health. I am though myself satisfied from a personal point of view that the science is good and solid which is behind the current belief that Saturated Fat is not only "Not Bad" for us but that it is actually Good for us. I also believe that Cholesterol is not an issue, at least not from the sense that the mainstream would have us believe. Like I say though my personal opinion for my own personal health, I've not wish to force it on anyone else, if I drop down dead tomorrow I've no one to blame but myself
I agree with what has been said here, but be careful with the portions, as cheese is great but very caloric. Good luck!