Does anyone else wake at night hungry unless they stuff their face during the day?
I'd like to lose a couple of pounds but because of waking hungry it makes it very difficult.
Does anyone else wake at night hungry unless they stuff their face during the day?
I'd like to lose a couple of pounds but because of waking hungry it makes it very difficult.
Hello Nick_W and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum
It must be difficult waking up hungry. Couple of things that spring to mind are what are you eating and when? Is it proper, genuine hunger or just appetite? How is your sleep generally? And lastly, are you eating sufficient through the day? Not eating enough is the biggest single cause of weight loss failure, please check your calorie target on the NHS BMI checker, link in the Newbie Club below, which I’d like to invite you to join. This is a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link
You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header and a link to the 12 week plan, so please take the time to read it carefully.
Wishing you all the best
I would say it's probably a habit, Nick_W , and the good thing to know is that habits can be broken. It just takes a little time and perseverance.
Why not start by just making a cup of warm milk if you get up, then graduate to taking some water to bed with you and if you wake, have a drink, maybe read for a bit and hopefully you will get back to sleep.
Also, it's best to avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol and try not to eat a large meal close to bedtime, although a protein snack in the evening might prevent hunger attacks.
And try and avoid napping - I fall asleep in front of the box, then wonder why I wake up too early! And it's best to get regular exercise and fresh air to help you sleep more soundly.
Hope these tips might help, but as with breaking all bad habits, you do have to stick at it.
Hi and welcome Nick,
If you stuff your face with processed/refined/high GI carbs, you'll cause an insulin spike, followed by a rapid drop in blood sugar, which will trigger hunger. Stick to low GI foods through the day, to keep your blood sugar levels stable and you shouldn't feel hungry through the night. Increase natural fats, for satiety, eg oily fish, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts, butter, cream, etc.
Can’t say that is one of my problems Nick. I would find it strange to wake up hungry in the night.
Are youvestingvthd tight kinds of foods-things like good quality protein and good healthy fats? It you eat lots of carbohydrates, especially refined/processed carbohydrates then you body just wants more of it.
I sometimes drink cocoa made with almond milk, cacao powder with a sprinkle of cinammon, no sugar and it is delicious. Might be a good bed time drink.
I have trouble at night too. I have no solution. I try to use distraction when I want to snack.
Hi Nick, depends of this is real physical hunger or a craving, If it's real physical hunger then look at what you're eating as Moreless and Ceals suggested, or maybe it's the timing of your meals if your body is adjusting to eating less calories maybe you could have your evening meal later or save enough calories for a low GI snack in the evening. Good luck 😀