Confidence: Hi all! 10 weeks ago I was... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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Bobs4803 profile image
Bobs48032st 7lbs
19 Replies

Hi all!

10 weeks ago I was told by my surgeon that she would not operate until my weight has come down significantly. I went home & thought about how I could help.myself without spending a fortune on the obvious weight loss groups. I've been there & not succeeded. I was on the internet looking for ways to help myself. Unfortunately for me I'm stuck in a wheelchair so options are limited. That was when I found you guts & the NHS Weight Loss app.

I lost a stone in 6 weeks. I'm was chuffed but devided I've got this far .... keep going.

Yesterday I went to the hospital for a check up with my surgeon. She said she was disappointed thst I'd not really lost enough. Bearing in mind the nurses weighed my & in 9 weeks I've lost judt over 2.5 stone in total. She made me feel awful! She said I wasn't losing it quick enough, that I should have lost loads more.

I l8st my temper with her. I told her that losing 2.5 stone in such a short time can be dangerous & that she should know this. The nurses were lovely.

I showed this doctor the NHS app. She didn't even know it existed. I explained that as a health professional expecting people to lose weight, she should have the knowledge base to encoursge weight loss instead of bullying & not helping. Off course she's petit & slim. Has no sympathy for fat people. I came out feeling miserable.

So far my GP, District Nurses, my Orthopaedic surgeon, Gynaecologist & Dietetics Consultants have no idea the NHS has an app, a forum & a guide to help you calorie count. Surely, these people should know this by now.

Oh I am furious!

Thanks for the rant!


Written by
Bobs4803 profile image
2st 7lbs
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19 Replies
VickyDLM profile image
VickyDLM2 stone

That's terrible, what a ridiculous reaction from the surgeon. I think that losing 2.5 stone in 9 weeks is amazing! That's almost 9 lbs a week. I don't know where she gets off being such a jerk. I'm so glad that you stood up for yourself and gave her what for!

At least the nurses were good, but you'd think the NHS would make this forum and the online support more widely known. At any rate, I'm so glad you found us. :)

And most importantly, congratulations on losing 2.5 stone is 9 weeks! :D

Ceals profile image

Well done for coming on here and sharing your rant - I think you are spot on. 2.5 stone in 9 weeks is unbelievably good and as you are well aware (but your Doctor isn't) losing shed loads of weight very quickly is totally unsustainable and just not good for you. I don't suppose they even gave you any proper advice about how to lose weight and what to eat. If they did it was probably based on outdated low fat, high carb that has proved beyond all measure to be the wrong advice.

So glad you found the forum and are keeping on keeping on.

They suck!!

Villageduckpond profile image

Oh Bobs4803 well done to you for a) losing all that weight in such a short space of time and b) standing up to the surgeon (what a ninny!) :) What an appalling experience for you and sooo hurtful, too. Don't be discouraged as we are all here for you :)

I absolutely agree with you that this app and forum are not known about widely enough. When I went to see a new doctor at my surgery recently he had never heard of it either!

What can we do to publicise it more, peeps?

kiwikyd-nz profile image
kiwikyd-nz in reply to Villageduckpond

What about printing of a few flyers and asking if you can put it on the doctors notice board? Is that a possibility? Only needs to be something simple e.g "Are you struggling with your weight? Check out this NHS site for a healthy eating plan, information and a great support network" Then list the site address.

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to kiwikyd-nz

I shall ask the next time I go to the doctor's as I believe they have their own weight loss etc. scheme.

Bobs4803 profile image
Bobs48032st 7lbs in reply to kiwikyd-nz

I was thinking of asking Hwyl Dda Trust, (NHS) where I live to see if they can advertise it more like Online, tv, newspapers etc, I live in a rural area. Its a possibility that they would.

Keep the ideas coming. New Years is coming up & beginning of January is a nightmare especially as people will want to lose weight ... I want to save people money! The weight groups should be done for extortion! 😉


That's terrible Bobs4803! What a poor attitude from your surgeon!

You are to congratulated for such amazing weight loss, it speaks volumes about your dedication to improving your health.

Please do not be discouraged by this one person, but keep going on the road to better health.

Well done! 😀

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Congratulations on a fantastic weight loss, 2.5 stones in 9 weeks is awesome 🎉🎉🎉

So sorry your health professionals are uninformed and unhelpful to you... You've broadened their knowledge and well done for being assertive!

Wishing you the goals you need to successfully have the op needed 🎉🎉🎉

Well done Bobs4803 . I’m appalled at the lack of sensitivity and lack of knowledge of these so-called professionals!

kiwikyd-nz profile image
kiwikyd-nz in reply to

It should be part of their training - patience and empathy.

Bobs4803 profile image
Bobs48032st 7lbs

Thank you all. The support of this forum is vital to all of us. I am going to be setting up a group on Facebook to inform people about the app & this forum.

I am sick & tired of being told the only way to lose weight is to join Slimming World & Weight Watchers. I have tried both very unsuccessfully. This way works! I'm living proof!

Contact me if you want to join the Facebook page in order to get this news out there.

Just gove me till next week to sort it out (busy week, this week!)

I'm open to suggestions too, if dnyone wants to help!

Again, thankyou for the support!


13Valerie profile image

We often get people here telling us how ignorant health professionals can be... and it's maddening every time. You would think that that would be the one place you could depend on support and encouragement, but alas...

You know you've pushed hard to lose all the weight you did.

You know what to do to lose the rest.

You know you can do it.

Don't allow one insensitive and ignorant person derail you.

Best wishes😊

Leonine profile image

I am shocked but not surprised at your experience. However as others have said you have done brilliantly! 2.5 stone in 9 weeks is awesome and any quicker as you say would be dangerous and very likely to come back on again. Hopefully you woke her up to reality a bit.

Good luck and keep going!

Bobs4803 profile image
Bobs48032st 7lbs

Leonine I sincerely doubt that doctor has learnt anything. She spent the entire time trying to make me feel bad about myself.

She offered nothing but below the belt subtle insults!

I'm not letting it go either!


87down profile image
87down in reply to Bobs4803

You should write to PALS (Patients Advisory Liason Service) at your hospital and complain, they have to respond to you and that way you may also achieve a positive outcome of getting more Health Professionals up to date with weight loss. Believe me its not easy to keep up to date with every new thing that's happening although as a surgeon she should know you were right and most health professionals do want to be; unfortunately your experience didn't show that, but some find it awkward when their patient knows more on a subject especially those that have to be right all the time.

BaronessVont profile image
BaronessVont in reply to Bobs4803

Congratulations on your incredible weight loss. Is there another surgeon you could see instead? Having to see this rude and completely unprofessional surgeon is unacceptable and having worked for the NHS when I lived in the UK, you have the right to change.

Bobs4803 profile image
Bobs48032st 7lbs in reply to BaronessVont

I am looking into it. Unfortunately, the injuries I sustained in my accident makes it difficult to find another surgeon to opetate. We are limited to access to other surgeons. But, I'm looking into it & also writing a complaint to my local Health Authority.


BaronessVont profile image
BaronessVont in reply to Bobs4803

Sounds like an excellent idea. I wish you all the best and keep on with the weight loss. You have achieved incredible results, no matter what "twiggy" thinks...

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