Hi, I've been struggling with eating healthily and as a result my health has been gradually deteriorating over the past few years. I'm not that over weight, the NHS BMI thing said I should aim to lose 15kg, but my blood pressure is pre-high and I don't sleep well and I suffer from fatigue, which makes it hard to do little things. I also drink alcohol nearly every evening and drink too much caffeine everyday. I feel that I'm beginning to fall apart health-wise, and often have depression and/anxiety.
I'm not sure that losing so much weight is going to be practical, and I'm not interested calorie counting, I just want to feel better and be healthier. This means that I'm going to focus on eating healthily and exercising more regularly. Also, i need to cut out the caffeine and control the drinking... easier said than done.
My unhealthy eating habits begun really when I started cooking for my son (he's 6 now). he won't eat anything that is healthy, just pizza, chips, fish fingers, sausages, and other crap. I also feel bad that I'm allowing him to eat this rubbish and what it's doing to him, but when I'm too tired and at the end of the day this stuff is easy to prepare. I really need to get a few better recipes under my belt.
Well, this is how I feel right now, and I'm not sure where to start. Hopefully I'll be able to find some help on this website.