Well made it through my first 24 hours of conquering my sugar. It's going to be tough. Please keep me in your thought as my journey continues. Your messages are helpful and encouragement. I hope you do not mind that I write in on the forum and what is good and bad. Well working on my next 24 hours.
Hi there!!!: Well made it through my... - Weight Loss Support
Hi there!!!

Hello Wadestreet wishing you all the best with conquering the sugar

Well done Wadestreet! The longer you stay off it, the easier it will get
Great work Wadestreet my friend has done the low sugar jounery plus low carbs as well. The couple of months was hard but has been doing this for a year and half now and looks amazing. Good luck

Keep going! I'm day 3 into no junk food. It's hard but folks in here have done it
Thanks concerned wonderful reading. Is there any fruit I should be eating or not eat. I want to do this right. I like bananas and oranges.
My friend also got lots of recipes from books and the internet. I have tasted some of them and they are very nice. Think about getting some recipe books. Looking forward to hering how you are going
Interesting learned a lot this morning. I would of never thought about the banana. I knew they were sweet. that is why I liked them. I would go to the yellowish banana. I am definitely go for the berries. thanks
Berries, pears and apples are good choices. The exotic fruit are best steered away from. This link may help you: dietdoctor.com/low-carb/fruits The green are the best ones, orange moderately good and red best steered away from (eat ocassionally!)

Good for you! what a hard thing to do, but so rewarding . Please keep letting us know how you get on
A big step Wadestreet well done. I haven't read the other replies yet but I'm guessing they say 'post as much as you need'.
Good luck with the next step, rooting for you.
Well done for conquering your first day with sugar. I also struggle and find if I am feeling low I eat sugar. Take each day at a time. You will look back in a week and be so proud of your self. Good luck xx