Hey everyone ,I want a urgent help from all u people's, last night I was sleeping in bed all in sudden I woke up and and start dizzy ,I just walk to my kitchen but I completely felt on floor and my head was spinning like 320, and puke, I visit hospital after that and doctor told me that its because of your weight lost aftermath, because u don't eat enough nutrition to your body and u felt weakness and u felt on floor . I visit again to my family doctor but he told me that its because your head position on pillow which make you wake up and your head start to shake up , I sleep sometime on chair also where my head position is not proper for rest, I m so confused right now my doctor say that your bmi is normal now and u don't need to loss weight anymore, my current weight is 67 kg from 77 kg after 3 months of cardio. I decrease belly fat but not completely , my doctor say u don't need to grow your abss or six pack u already have normal body now. My height is 5.7 and weight is 67 and age is 28 kindly tell me what I do now should I need to stop doing exercises to reduce more weight to grow abss ? How can I make abss in this weight because I don't loss completel belly ,yes its reduce a lot but not completely. Kindly tell me why my head start spinning last night after wake up ??????
Emergency: Hey everyone ,I want a urgent... - Weight Loss Support

We are none of us medically trained, Saad, so listen to your GP.

Hi Saad619,
Did you get checked for a possible ear infection? Sometimes, people are dizzy from balancing issues caused by ear infections. This is based on my own personal experience.

It’s so hard to tell but if it happens regularly it could be labyrinthitis. It’s a virus that can really affect your balance. But listen to your GP as they know best. Take care.

Sorry to hear about dizziness, keep a diary when it occurs GP is a great starting point. Are you consuming enough calories? Look after yourself.
I put your stats into the BMI calculator Saad619 and you have a BMI of 23.1, so you are comfortably in your healthy weight range. There is room for you to lose a little more if you really want to for your shape but you are healthy as you are and if you do want to lose a few more pounds it would be healthier to just have a small calorie deficit, keep exercising, and you'll get there with patience, you are still young! Did the doctor check your blood pressure? We sometimes get dizzy if our blood pressure drops when we get up quickly, especially if not eating enough. If it happens again, i would go back to your doctor. Good luck.