Morning all. I have a quick question about badges - do we only get badges for weight loss attained since joining the forum or can weight loss just prior be included too?
Badge Question: Morning all. I have a... - Weight Loss Support
Badge Question

That is entirely up to you Pseud0nym Some people prefer to start their badges from when they actually joined the Forum, others like to claim what they have already lost to give them extra motivation.
I personally opted to claim all my lost weight, not just what I had lost after I joined.
That's good, I'd rather claim it all and feel proud I've what I've done so far. Do I just join in on a weighing day and ask for a badge then?
Are you thinking of joining the Friday Weigh In?
No, if there is one on a Sunday that would be the best for me. Or I'd weigh Sunday and join in on Monday's.
That's fine.
I have to go off-line for a little while, and I will warn you we are having some issues with badges this morning, but if you would like to say here how much weight you have lost, we will make sure one is awarded to you.
Hello and welcome Pseud0nym
Sunday is an excellent weight loss group to join and tends to be much quieter than Mondays 😊
If you let me know how much weight you have lost I will update your badge 😊
Best wishes
I missed posting in the Sunday Weigh In because I'd put weight on and got a bit despondent, but I would still like a badge please. My weight starting out was 10st, and now I'm 9st 4, so I've lost 10lb so far. I did get down to 9st 1 a few weeks back, so clearly I need to knuckle back down!
That's an excellent achievement Pseud0nym and I shall update your badge shortly. The badges only go up in 7lb incremements but you will soon be at the one stone mark 😊
Please don't feel you can't join the weigh-in after a gain, it's probably even more important to come onto the forum 😊 You don't have to disclose your weight, but the support is invaluable
Best wishes