Terrible week!! Again!!! Have a shocking kidney infection that's messing with my ms. I've not been eating much at all. Some fruit, some soup a bit of fish. I'm thinking that Saturday weigh might be a disaster. I leave for Spain next Monday. What a pickle I'm in.
Terrible week!! Again!!! Have ... - Weight Loss Support
Terrible week!! Again!!! Have ...

Oh you poor girl, stop worrying about the food and just do what you have to to get better. Listen to your body. I hope you are well by the time you go away. You will get back on track when you are recovered and we will be here to help,
Take care 😊💐

I'm so sorry to hear that, Kimbell, but, as lucigret has said, your health is the most important thing. Do what you need to do to get well and think about weight loss after your holiday.
Hi Kimbell as others have said just concentrate on getting better my hubby has MS so I can understand how you must be feeling let alone the kidney infection.😢
Why not give the weigh in a Miss, look forward to your holiday some fresh sea air and sun etc will do you the world of good, rejuvenate your batteries and concentrate on the weight when you feel back to normal, stress won't help you loose weight for me it's the opposite.
Hope you feel better soon and have a lovely time.💐

Getting better is the main thing,don't worry about a weigh in.
Take care,enjoy Spain.
Hi Kimbell3 your main priority is to get well and be better for your holiday Hoping the kidney infection is all cleared up before your holiday
All the Saturday Superstars wish you a speedy recovery so you can enjoy your holiday and we look forward to you rejoining us after your holiday
Thankyou all for those kind words. I'm not sure wether to weigh Saturday or not yet.