FRUSTRATED Newbie returning here.... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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FRUSTRATED Newbie returning here....

maggied264 profile image
18 Replies

At 20 stone and 5' 6" I am so frustrated I could cry...I have been round the 'block' Slimming World, Weightwatchers, Rosemary Conley etc..........

At 17 I was an undereater and weighed 8 stone and now well at nearly 55 I am well over double that!!

I love food too much, I am a yo-yo dieter and fear I am in competition with others when I should be competing with myself. Watching how a 7lb loss is applauded at SW and everyone going wow I used to sit there like a fly on the wall thinking why is that applauded?! Fast losses are often followed by fast gains - well they are for me!!

I know what healthy eating/lifestyle is just useless at sticking to it :( I have given up on myself, with a quick look in the mirror I am very sad... I was once attractive and

now ...... :(

I can't bath only shower.... I got stuck getting out of the bath because of my weight. I want to get on my bike and cycle - I daren't I'll make a total fool of myself. I loved swimming but hate doing 'lengths' oh God what a moaner I am! I must walk my dog more perhaps than once a day....please help me :(

Lonely and fed up - I have borderline personality disorder with anxiety issues too so feel doomed to fail .....

Silly saying lonely I have a loving partner but he is anti-social so we don't socialise much

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maggied264 profile image
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18 Replies

I have anxiety as well. I can't look in the mirror yet either. But this is for your health. You can do it with support from us, it's just gonna get worse if you don't do it now. Just give it a try. Good luck to you.

blackbeauty99 profile image

Hi maggied264 and welcome back to the weight loss forum :)

I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling so sad. I totally understand how you feel though, i have been through the same feelings. Since joining this forum though, i have got a bit more confident with myself and feel better within myself because of the 2 stone i have already lost. I still have more to lose but the support you get from this forum is amazing and just spurs me on to keep going. Other peoples success stories have kept me going aswell. There are people here who have lost alot more weight than i have.

One of the Administrators will reply to you later on this morning, with lots of advice and tips.

You can do this and we will all support you.

Wishing you all the best with your weight loss journey :)

I'm sorry to sound ignorant but what does 20 stone mean?

kiwikyd-nz profile image
kiwikyd-nz in reply to

Hi Nicole. If you use kg as your weight it is 127kg.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to


kiwikyd-nz profile image

Welcome MaggieD :D Don't push yourself to hard too soon. Read a lot and look at where you can perhaps make small changes. Maybe try out some new recipes for a bit of variety. Also, can you get hold of a stationary bike for a while so you can ride in the privacy of your home? (borrow or hire).

I'm sure you will get lots of ideas from the girls and guys on the forum :)

Chin up and be a little easier on yourself.

Hi and welcome

Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), or in the drop down on the 'Posts' page (it says 'arrange by'). Read the Welcome Newbie thread, then move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you.

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news.

Have a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as many people have had success with it. Also use the BMI (can be found in the pinned Newbie post) to find your target calories, it's important to eat enough. This was a major turning point for me, realising I could eat anything I wanted as long as the calories are accounted for 😊

Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate 😊

To the right of the HOME page (bottom on a mobile), you'll find Events. In there, you'll find links to our daily Weigh-in's (you will choose just one day per week), our Daily Diary, where we post our menu and exercise plans, for accountability, advice and support - which is great to get ideas of what other people are eating and I have to confess to nicking some of their menu's :) and our “What's happening today” thread, where we pop in for a chat.

Be aware, that the HU app doesn't give you access to all of our important features, so we advise that you use the full website page

We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too 😊

Tiggerr profile image

Welcome back maggied264.

I don't need to add any more to what's already been said but just to let you know that we're always all here and the more you stay in contact and involved with this site and its people then the better chance I know you'll have.

You also won't be lonely here.

Hi.I only need to loose around one and a half stone this time. I have gained and lost much more over the years and çan relate to your slimming club experience. Done them all .still overweight. I avoid looking in the mirror and don't like myself unless at a weight I'm happy with.which is not off ten. Just completed day one on this journey so hope will be my last. Good luck.most seem to feel the same wether we have one or 6 stone to loose

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI

Hello and welcome to the forum! You are in the right place to get help and advice off a lovely bunch of people. Make small changes rather than trying to change everything at once and you will see the difference. Good luck on your journey, we are all here for you x

sibyll profile image

I find that the Paul McKenna tapes for controlling eating really work. However you have to keep listening to them as I know to my cost as yesterday I had to call into the shops for milk and I bought a packet of coffee caramel digestive biscuits and demolished them. So I am going to put the DVD back on and hopefully be back on the straight and narrow again!

maggied264 profile image

Thank you to you all! I will check in and read and learn and interact as much as I can ;) X

feelgood41 profile image
feelgood41 in reply to maggied264

Hi Maggie I see that these replies were a month ago and I have not been on much since then. Slimming World is good to continue with I have found, it keeps you focused, although I myself am impatient when it comes to listening to everyones losses and gains! For a start everyone speaks so softly and I cant hear! It proves we all need to increase our confidence in every way. I don't buy their bars or anything but I have bought some recipe books made up from other members. I weigh every day and tell myself what to NOT do any more if I have gained the following day. Just cut down a bit on fat and sugar and gradually increase your exercise in whatever way you want. It might be walking at first or chair exercises but keep at it do a bit more exercise each day and you will feel better as well.

I did swimming three times a week at first as it does not strain anything. I lost 2 stone in 3 months, so even if you only do gentle stretching in the pool it will show results.I hope you are getting on with it, you are doing the right thing for your health in the end.

lis56beth profile image

Welcome maggled264 You will get a lot of support on this forum x

Lopat3657 profile image

Hi maggie, sorry for what your going , through, but the first thing you need do is stop putting yourself down and please get on that bike, youu will not be making a fool of yourself, i suggest you go to the park to start of your riding, also you say you dont like to swim lengths, then dont just do some exercises in the pool, i hate gyms so i only ride bike and swim and do exercises in pool , please dont put your self down and guess what, showers are better for you, get your self a body brush and wash your skin by brushing it , makes your skin so much smoother, in stead of eating big meals eat smaller ones throught out day, if a get a urge to binge , i find sucking a few sweets is better than eating choclate or biscuits, after sucking on sweet drink a glass of water, good luck stay blessed

Hi Maggie I can totally identify with you . I was also very slim when I was young I was only 8st 4 now I am more than double that. I am having health problems and like you feel so depressed that I hate looking in the mirror or having my photo took . I have frieds but they are lovely but I hate moaning to them I have tried so many times to lose weight I am sure they are fed up of me. Well I am going to try again you know you haven't failed until you give up so lets try again

sibyll profile image

I really can recommend these Paul McKenna DVDs. They get you into only eating when you're hungry and then stopping when your body tells you to. They stop me binging which left to my own devices I do. However if you don't keep up with them you quickly revert to the bad old ways

fiftyshadesofJ profile image

Hi, First of all, thank you for your candid mail, you are with friends and allies here, we each have a back story but are where we are. I too was an eight stone teenager and at 5' 2'' have been 14 1/2 stone. Slimming clubs work for a few people, personally I think they are patronising, and reinforce 'sinful' eating. Yes you can change the spelling to 'syns' but the net effect is the same. Maybe you don't like food in reality, it can be like a drug we use to anaethetise our emotions. I think if we liked food we would eat what we enjoy and know when we are satisfied, instead, we just eat anything and everything. I can only speak from personal experience, and each journey is personal, there is no 'One size fits all' solution. OK you hate yourself in general, the fact you have arrived here suggests there is still a spark of determination, you can work with that. First, stop beating you self up, call truce with yourself. Swimming etc can wait for now. May I suggest you start thinking about relaxation? Yes, doing little more than focusing on breathing and calming. There are loads of relaxation and focusing videos on you tube, light some scented candles and enjoy immersing yourself in a safe atmosphere. Keep a diary, once again, this is a safe platform where you can vent your emotions. Be prepared to cry, you are learning to express your emotions rather than suppress them with food. Share on here, we don't judge, we understand. Finally, learn not to apologise to people for being, one thing I have noticed when I am out and about is how larger people apologise for the amount of space they occupy in crowded aisles and at checkouts. You are entitled to your space on this earth, you are a worthwhile human being, be proud of yourself for who you are, you are so much more than your physical weight. Ok, enough from me.....your life, your journey, make that journey in first class. Take care x

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