Life Balance: You know that the balance... - Weight Loss Support

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Life Balance

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You know that the balance in your life is very wrong when you finally open your ipad and switch on your personal emails to find 312 unopened staring back at you, when your friends have forgotton what you look like and when your own daughter 'books' herself into your diary. These things and a few more have just slapped me in the face like a cold wet flannel, and I feel like crying. I hate to let people down, especially my friends and children, I have even let this forum down over the last few weeks as I haven't posted my steps on the Kilometre challenge ( apologies moreless πŸ™) My life feels like a permanent 'Merry-go-round' that I can't get off. Today I have made a decision to cut my work hours so I can concentrate on myself, it is so scary and my heart is pounding at the thought, but the long hours have taken too much of a toll on me ( I work permanent nights). For too long work has relied on me to breach the gap, but working 60+ hours every week and sleeping little through the day is quite literally killing me. So at 9am today I had a difficult conversation and stated I would be working a standard 42 hours from now on, no on call, no giving up my days off, no sacrificing my annual leave....etc.... and do you know what? I feel lighter already, panicky but lighter.

So today is stretching before me free from appointments, appraisals, updating files..... just free.. For a split second I felt adrift, being so used to having my time 'allocated' the panic rose in my chest like a tidal wave......then it dropped....the preverbial penny, I am free to look after my health and not someone elses, I can socialise to look after my mental health, I can batch cook and slow cook, pour over recipe books at leisue and look after my weight healthily, I have time to do the exercise I want to do to look after my physical health, I can be with my children, my siblings, 'Mom', my extended family without looking at my watch or trying to juggle the never ending 'job list' to fit time in with them......and now my panicky heart is singing.

I am losing weight, I don't know how much as I am not weighing myself at all, but my clothes are looser and I have already deposited a couple of bags at the door of a charity shop. From today that weightloss will be coupled with a more conscious knowledge of the nutrition I am having, so that my inside will be as healthy as I want my outside to eventually be.

I thought I would start this momentous day in my life with a 'sunny' italian inspired brunch, Italian style scrambled eggs and mushrooms panfried in basil oil..

'Italian scrambled eggs'. Blitz 2 eggs with 6 basil leaves, 5g finely grated pecorino cheese, 1 tbsp skimmed milk, and a pinch of celery salt, then finely chop 15g smoked bacon ( you can use pancetta, but the final taste is no different, just the cost) Smear 1/2tsp basil oil in a frypan and heat, then slice 120g large 'meaty' mushrooms and lay in a single layer, cook for 3 minutes and flip over. Heat another frypan ( a really good nonstick one) and pour in the egg mix, leave for 15 seconds, then using a wooden spoon stir to break up, keep stirring and breaking up for anout 1 minute ( depends how you like your scrambled egg) Serve with the mushrooms. 300kcals.

Now I am going to don some gardening gloves and reclaim my once beautiful patio, then get out the drill and put up the sail cover that I purchased 7 years ago, fill a bucket of soapy water and scrub the outdoor lounging suite and if still got time this afternoon I will run up some new cushions and seat pads for the said suite too..

Oh happy day indeed...

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8 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Good morning Hidden

What a lovely inspiring post! I'm so happy you have put your foot down with regards to work, and have decided to focus on your health and fitness. Making the decision that our amazing bodies deserve good food and decent nutrition is so important. πŸ˜€

It's never too late to join the Kilometre challenge, so please pop along and post your kilometres. Also there is a timed activity challenge called Get Jiggy in June which is also useful as housework, Gardening, etc all count πŸ˜€

Looking forward to hearing more about your journey to better health

Best wishes


in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thanks Anna. I did join the kilometre challenge, but just not posted my steps on there for a few weeks.. I feel like I have let the challenge down, this is the first time in weeks I have logged on due to commitments at work, etc... and I have just flopped into bed in between with no regard to myself.. For now I am just going to commit to myself and get my homelife and 'me' reconnected. 😊

IgaT profile image

Ehat an amazing port and day you're having :)

Please, do not forget to "DO NOTHING" ;) Just unwind and relax with your feet up. It may be very strange for you, but it seems you planned very busy day for youself. Take also time to learn this relax / meditation / enjoying the moment / the weather ;)

I am so happy for you making this step towards yourself! Enjoy!

in reply to IgaT

Bless you hun, to do some gardening is really relaxing for me ( though the scrubbing of the furniture is not, lol). If the weather stays nice, I plan tonight to be one of total relaxation with my feet up on the patio, maybe the firepit lit if chilly, fairylight and candles and my daughter, son and a couple of friends putting the world to right over a couple of pitchers of non-alcoholic fruit cocktails, bliss 😊🍸

IgaT profile image
IgaT in reply to

Sounds great!

I know it look me a long time after madness almost 24/7 work, to learn to relax by doing nothing without having a long home "to do lost" and booking my calendar to the last minute with meetings, sports, additional / pleasury courses ;)

Enjoy your beautiful day! I am glad you 'planned' do nothing time ;)

Hi Hidden ,

So good to hear from you {{{{hug}}}}


in reply to

Thankyou Flossie, hope you are keeping well 😊

DRS54 profile image

Wow, great decision! Reminds me of the day when I finally decided to give up work (early retirement) about 6 years ago. Never looked back - have fun in your increased spare time and look after yourself!

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