Hit a crossroads in life , go one way , positive , go another way negative, stand still , indecision, , Ready to go forward , π π
Bigbellylad : Hit a crossroads in life... - Weight Loss Support

So, forward sounds good, but what direction are you taking? Positive or negative? Keeping fingers crossed for you.
Very indecisive the now with life ,
Feel free to message if you want to say more - difficult to react appropriately when you seem to know what to do but don't appear to want to do it. As I said, good luck. Think about the long term gain!
You / I get to a point , where you can't fight food addiction, anymore , so you say F#%<>% and carry on
I hear what you are saying - and yes, happens to me as well. I have set myself an upper limit weight at which I HAVE to lose again - so far this has worked to keep myself out of the obese range at least. Intending to lower this weight with weight loss, so whenever I am 2 kg below my current upper limit, I'll adjust it down by 1 kg. Started well above my current limit, so have so far not had to reset it with my habit of yo-yoing.
Would an approach like that work for you? It allows you to blow it now and then, but not all the time.

It's always best to keep moving forward, Spade, so great choice!
Forward is definitely the best direction Spade57 or you will end up on a roundabout and back here at some point in the future feeling even more sorry about life than you are now.
It is your life to do with it what you will, but I get the idea that you are not doing with it what you would really like to do.
Only you can do this, others can cheer from the sidelines, as they clearly do but you need to want to do this for you. Make food a friend not an enemy and develop your won't power. Much stronger than willpower - it goes along the lines of deciding what you won't put in your mouth, start with one thing. Or what you won't do at a particular time of day or place i.e. eat crisps on the sofa in the evening. Every little thing will start to change your mindset for the better - or for the worse if you decide that is the way to go.
Keep at it and make the changes to get the result you want.
Take care