Prob wrong day......but felt need to write down........15.11 after gain on holiday and 44 in waist🙁 Don't know how to change pic orientation or to shrink's hoping I can shrink me😜
First weigh in.................on here... - Weight Loss Support
First weigh in.................on here lost count of how many first weigh ins i have done😃

Morning Jeanjeanie1
I know what you mean with the first weigh ins, hopefully it will be your last first weigh in! You can join Thursday's weigh in on the Home page under Events and record your wight each week there if you want to join us all.
Ty....trouble is every weekend is like a holiday as I live where I work so I go to caravan as an to view it more as weekend at home and cut back on booze socialising.....just brought some v. Low alc bitter to make shandy with diet lemonade......fingers crossed.....I will join weigh ins 😃
well done for joining! And applause for putting a pic up too!👍 let's hope you will weigh in next week with a loss and you won't ever have to start over.......give it 100%, see what happens, it can't hurt but it sure as hell can be good! Best of luck 🍀
Hi I know what you mean I've had more starts than I'd care to mention, you can choose which day you want to weigh in, don't worry about a holiday gain, it's a time to relax and enjoy yourself and I'm sure now your home you will be back on track 💪
As for the picture it's great neck exercising for us so don't worry about the angle 😆😆
Have a lovely week xx