I recently wrote a post about losing over 4st in a year, I have weighed myself today, and I seem to be slowly putting it on because I've got into bad habits of eating junk food. I want to get back into the weight loss but I seem to have excess skin. I need a good routine plan. If I start gym, what machines are most effective in tightening the core and giving the summer body we are all trying for!?
Advice.: I recently wrote a post about... - Weight Loss Support

Hi Jack
Plan, plan and more planning.
You are eating junk because you are not planning your food. You get bored or tired or stressed and the easiest thing to reach for is not something you have to cook or prepare but something that you can devour straight away.
As they say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Start by working out what you will eat for the next 3 days, go and get the ingredients and make as much of it as you can ahead of time.
Your weight is creeping back on because you keep think ":Tomorrow, tomorrow I will start" or "One piece won't hurt" but if you have a plan then you are more likely to choose a healthier option, especially if it's there in front of you.
Good luck, I know you can do this!

At least you're aware of what's happening, so you can do something about it before it spirals out of control. If you rely on exercise alone that won't compensate for eating junk food in terms of health.
There's no easy way really, why not go back to accounting your foods just as you did to lose weight, you know that works.
Try logging what you eat for a week and if its more calories than your TDEE, then reduce by 25% for a week or two and see what happens. You should see a loss....
I am afraid that's how it is forever if you want to stay slim. Don't forfeit all your amazing past efforts having lost those 4 stones. 😊