Anybody got any ideas for lunches to eat in work? must be the uncooked kind.
Lunches for work.: Anybody got any ideas... - Weight Loss Support
Lunches for work.
Hi Hidden Non-cooked for me - good old sandwich - tuna, turkey, ham, chicken, wholemeal bread with lots of salad. Oatcakes/pittas/wraps with houmous/tsatziki/guacamole or previous fillings and crudités. Pasta/rice salad. Quiche and salad. Sushi (still not got round to making my own...). Happy lunching!
Some good ideas there, thank you
Lettuce wraps are good
Use the lettuce as the wrap or buy wraps and put lettuce inside them?
Buy lettuce and wrap it with lunch meat .... I put like turkey chicken tomatoes onions mayo .... sorry I wasn't specific
It's ok, good ideas thank you ☺
I have taken cuscus with chickpeas cucumber and with a little cooked chicken or any other meat. Sometimes I put a tin of weight watchers tuna. The small tins you get 3 in a pack.
Good ideas, ill have to try some of them. Thank you.
my husband sometimes takes in a big salad with prawns, ham or tuna, some almonds and sultanas, an apple and banana. You can make the salad with couscous or quinoa which makes it more filling.
My recent lunchtime craving is a slice of wholemeal seeded bread covered with sliced tomatoes and then topped with anchovies in oil.
I sometimes buy Aldi brioch buns, and fill with soft cheese , and smoked salmon, very tasty!
You can make it quite healthy, if you choose to add salad, and soft cheese saves on butter, a bit unhealthy, bit tastier tho, I often take small apples too, favouring coxes currently.
I have at times made healthy cold pasta salads too
Stuffed wholemeal pitta bread with coleslaw, salad and turkey. I just invested in a lunchbox stack set from online so I can plan my whole day from that and keep the food inside.
How about pre cooked? Roast veg cooked in bulk then frozen in batches, e.g. butternut squash, red pepper, courgettes. Falafels can be very healthy if shallow fried, and add a bit more substance even if eaten cold. I also pre-boil brown rice and green lentils (sometimes adding a few finely chopped onion/sundried tomato before freezing in batches). The little pots defrost by lunchtime, then combined with salad, bit of hummus, and maybe sandwich thins/oatcakes you have a delicious veggie deli lunch
Good post this thank you.

Love it, I sometimes have cold risotto, apparently you can fry risotto balls! Made with risotto, eggs and flour, ( I tend to use rice flour), not that I've tried! 🙂