I cleaned out cupboards of all of the unwanted food. It was very hard but needed to be done or I am going to pig out on the available food in my cupboards which I did tonight. Now I will have money in my pocket in not buying junk food and buying myself something nice. I heard someone say one time. And I am not allowing treat day. It may be strict but one bite leads to another and then cupboards will be not shy of sugar. I need to be a healthy person inside and out, mentally and physically. this is one step for my growth until my next one in growing in a healthy lifestyle.
I did it with my cupboards... - Weight Loss Support
I did it with my cupboards...

Well done! I am so pleased you have taken this step. You can do this, it isn't easy but cold turkey on the sugar really does help. Your taste buds will get used to it! Keep going, one day at a time! Reward yourself regularly with something nice that isn't food.

Very well done Wadestreet. It is going to help you a lot to not have unhealthy snacks available at home, I'm sure.

That's brilliant. So much easier to eat healthily when there's nothing unhealthy in the house.
Good luck Wadestreet 😊 Glad you are feeling positive and in control 😊😊😊

Brilliant! Well done you. You could perhaps chose a reward fornext wweekend to mark your first week of a healthy house - maybe something to wear or a book or a day out somewhere. Good luck this week
I think you're on to something there... this week, with the best of intentions, I bought lower fat crisps and I even over-indulged on those, purely because they were there. You've inspired me to take a leaf out of your book and cut out the unhealthy snacks in the cupboards. Out of sight, out of mind?
Fantastic Wadestreet such determination and positivity! you will get this cracked!
Well done Wadestreet , makes such a difference when there's no temptation. My daughter arrived for the weekend last night and commented on the fact that she couldn't find a snack in my fridge and cupboards. As it happened I had bought her some shortbread, (pregnant lady, wants biscuits!), only trouble is she opened the packet in front of me and I succumbed to a finger with my coffee😪What is left goes home with her tomorrow!! Have a good week

Well done- temptation away. I find it helps.

Wow this is powerful stuff Wadestreet . Well done. I'm thinking it's a good idea but whether I have the willpower I'm not sure. I'll give it a go. Good luck 👍👍

Temptation is the devil! Keep it out of the cupboards at all costs, because if you're like me, you'll be drawn in...xx
This is something I need to do too! We always have cake and biscuits in for when the boys come round, but they can have healthy options instead! I am going to make Lent the good excuse for getting rid of everything that shouldn't be in the cupboards. Well done you!