Why did I start my new eating plan on Christmas Eve? Over Christmas (and after) I was faced with the most delicious cheeses, yes, I am a veggie that eats dairy products and I am a cheese-a-holic to boot!
I love them all, from the cheddar, caerphilly, cheese with walnuts or cranberries in or the gloriously smelly cheeses, I haven't found one out of all I have tried that I don't like. Not only was I faced with all this cheese at Christmas but I was also sent home with all the cheese my family doesn't like, which is everything apart from cheddar and red leicester!
Now, do I eat it or throw it? Eat it of course!!
Today I got on my scales, opened one eye and looked.....I had stayed the same! I am still 15st 10lb. It would have been nice to lose some but I'm happy with that result
Ok, chin(s) up, I am now cheese-less so I start again
Big congratulations to all those who lost weight over the Christmas and to those who, (like me,) didn't lose any......we will be big on losing in 2018!