Had a good trip into the workshops and workplace training in town, stayed in the hotel accommodation and was prepared to gain a lot of weight eating restaurant food, managed to not gain or lose any weight, so feeling really good. Most of the time I thought about how much this would add to my size, and managed to just eat good healthy food with no flour, processed food, sugar or deserts. I did get a little bit of walking done for the challenge with Salasia, but my knees played up again. Did about 1Klm a day, which was good as the rest of the time was sitting down in meetings. Week six now, and will need to ramp up this exercise thing, still not happening and still in the planning stages. Has been in the planning stages since week one, biggest problem is lack of motivation and old legs who don't run without pain, don't walk with any strength and need a total overhaul, or something.
So I am going to do this, still will do it, challenged Salasia and hope to keep ramping up the energy level and the motivation. Anyone else having this problem? Any ideas for how to get motivated and just do it?