Well, I got on the scales this morning full of anticipation after what I thought was a good week. I followed my calorie counting all week, never strayed until I went for a Roast Chicken Dinner followed by Fruit Crumble and Custard on Sunday. OMG I have put on 1lb. I was gutted. I had been so good all week and never cheated once. Surely one day of going outside 1900 calories should not result in a weight gain? It has knocked me back I must say, but it has not made me rush out and buy a Fry Up like Peter Kay jokes It has really focussed me to try even harder as I know the losses I have made so far have already made me feel better, sleep better and generally start to feel more positive about myself. The big test this week is Superbowl Night this Sunday
I will have to starve myself all weekend up until the event
Rise Up!! Go Falcons
Week 4 - What's Gone Wrong?: Well, I got... - Weight Loss Support
Week 4 - What's Gone Wrong?

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Jump to repliesDon't let it throw you off course, you're doing great ... Stick to the plan and keep going - onwards and downwards 🌼 enjoy the Superbowl!!!

You will gain after eating more, but if you stick to your plan, you'll easily lose it and the thing is, don't let those 1lbs keep adding on. I've plateau'd, but I'm not giving up. Like you I think "how the heck" with a 1lb weight gain, but just keep on with the good work.
Know how you feel, i didn't lose any weight in week 4 either...btw, good luck on superbowl Sunday!my husband is a sea hawks fan, they didn't do well this year
A gain from one day of overeating is easily lost again when you get back on plan. I went for a curry night with the girls over the week end, I made much more sensible choices than I would have done in the past, but even so was 1.5lb heavier on the scales the following morning, 2 days later, back to normal and it's gone again, so dont panic, just keep counting those calories!
Hi Caz,yes so much for my 2lb weight loss on my first week, this week stayed at the same weight so no loss no gain,Must admit didn't walk so much as weather awful, so will hope for better next week, hope all goes well for you.
I've found that if I do go over my calories big time on 1 day then the day after I do a low calorie day (stick to 500 calories) to make up for it........ but weight fluctuates throughout the month & from day to day anyway so dont take the scales as your only marker for weight loss... measurements and how your clothes feel are better markers x
Do not give up. You will get thereinthe end onwards and downwards

Hi yes I know how disappointing it is, last week lost 2lb as was my first week counting calories this week didn't lose anything ,although didn't get to walk so much as weather awful, so must try harder next week.Hope it goes better for you next week.Hope your Falcons do well.