Just received a prompt that I haven't introduced myself though have been posting. I used to be in the enviable position of eating what I liked without putting on weight-those were the days! I have had several episodes of putting on weight going up to 10.5 stone. That was because I was acting up for my manager and not happy working long hours being very stressed and living off take away cos I couldn't be bothered to cook. I lost it training for the moonwalk charity walk then gradually put it back on. The fact that clothes were getting very tight and had to go up to 12-14. That made me decide I needed to loose the weight so want to loose at least a stone but no more than 1.5. A size 10 would be nice!im doing the 12 week NHS weight loss since I'm a vegetarian and work shifts and find calorie counting easier that all the diets out there- I just find them all confusing and conflicting info doesn't help. I like the idea that I can still eat the foods I like but take the treats into account.