New start: Hello, I'm posting here as a... - Weight Loss Support

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New start

sneezingpanda profile image
11 Replies


I'm posting here as a newbie as my way of committing to starting this plan when i wake up tomorrow morning.

I'm always one for saying 'Next week i'll...' and I never seem to get around to doing what I say, always seems that there will be some distant time that will be better to begin but I realise I need to start taking care of my health now and stop putting it off. I was at the upper end of the healthy bmi for my weight last summer but over the winter seem to have put on quite a lot and now i'm definitely in the overweight sector. I would first like to return to my summer weight and then take it from there.

With this in mind i've joined this forum, written down my starting weight (need to take measurements too) and plan to do a food shop tomorrow afternoon to plan healthier meals for the week. I've decided to focus on three things first...

1. Bigger healthier breakfasts to stop myself eating sugary unplanned snacks.

2. Get outside and do some exercise - snowy walk tomorrow morning to kick things off

3. Start counting calories to keep track.

Please could i have a newbie badge?

Here goes! :)

P.s i found the c25k forum for running super helpful so i'm looking forward to being part of this one too.

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sneezingpanda profile image
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11 Replies
JiminyCricket profile image

Welcome! Wow you sound really determined and have a great plan of action! Good for you. You might like to join tomorrows morning weigh in, posted by YellowRose55 , and share positive vibes with your other Saturday weighers. Share your starting weight (if you feel able), introduce yourself, and share your goals, and mini goals with us all. This will help you feel accountable and supported, and part of this great community. Good luck for your first week!

sneezingpanda profile image
sneezingpanda1kg in reply to JiminyCricket

JiminyCricket thanks! :)

JiminyCricket profile image
JiminyCricket7lbs in reply to sneezingpanda

Great name btw

YellowRose55 profile image

Hi sneezingpanda Welcome to the weight loss forum. Take a look at the "Welcome Newbies" post in the Pinned post section. There are some helpful links to the nhs 12 week and BMI checker so you can work out your daily calories.

Feel free to join in with any of the challenges also in the Pinned post section on the right hand side or at the bottom if using a mobile.

Our weigh ins are run daily Monday to Saturday, you can chose which one suits you best.

Have a good first week.


YellowRose55 profile image

Hope you like your new badge.

sneezingpanda profile image
sneezingpanda1kg in reply to YellowRose55

Thanks for the badge and the welcome!

Cp71 profile image

Welcome sneezing panda, I'm Claire and I'm posting the Saturday weigh in post tomorrow. Will be nice to meet you there with the rest of the Saturday weigh in people. Well done for taking this first step, I know it's not easy xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello sneezingpanda (unusual name btw!!)

Welcome to the Weight Loss Forum ☺ you have a perfect action plan there so very best wishes ☺ I'm sure you will soon see the results you want ☺


SueG85 profile image

Good luck to you. Yes the BMI thing shocked me too (mine is 28). Determined to get into healthy zone like you. We can do this.

HealthyTanja profile image

Welcome sneezingpanda

I was in your position last year and after years of struggle I started a new chapter in my weight loss journey at the end of March. This forum was a great help and MyFitnessPal was essential for me to count calories for the first time and get a real sense for calories in and calories out. Another help for me was to keep telling myself that 1) I had decided to change my diet and so there was to be no arguing about whether it was OK to go over my calories this day or have a cheat day another. I decided once that I was following the plan and that was that. 2) I looked at my calendar and told myself that by loosing 1lb a week, I will have lost this much on this date and that much by that date. I told myself that the time will pass anyway and that if I stuck to the plan it would be a given that I would loose the weight.

Hope this helps and all the best to you :)

P.S. Practicing happiness each day also helped keep me on track!

sneezingpanda profile image

Thanks for the welcome and encouragement Cp71 IndigoBlue61 SueG85 and HealthyTanja ! Much appreciated and very helpful!

Day one yesterday got off to a good start with a 3.5hour snowy hillwalk (freezing and snow past my knees in places!) and managed to avoid the temptation to eat lots afterwards also.

Today i've planned our meals for the week and off to the supermarket to buy everything now after a healthy breakfast. Feeling positive. :)

I think i'll join a midweek weigh-in to have added motivation in advance of the weekends....

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