2nd day : It's my second day in and I'm... - Weight Loss Support

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2nd day

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It's my second day in and I'm feeling terrible! Been suffering from a heavy cold ( husband has nicknamed me Queen πŸ˜‰ ) for almost 2 weeks now and it seems to be getting worse not better! Totally fed up and was hoping that my eating healthier would have been at least a little beneficial....yes, I know it's only my 2nd day but meh 😏

10 Replies
Cavaco profile image

I have had my cold for ten days now and finally it seems to be on its way. It's been horrible. I recommend plenty of paracetamol, ibuprofen, lemsip, lockets... take everything you can to keep your head clear. Avoid dairy as this can make phlegm worse, drink lots of water, eat more fruit and less processed food as this will give your system a chance to deal with the cold rather than focussing on digestion.

Good luck! Hope you feel better soon.

Hidden I'm in the same boat - a week in and still no better - it has moved down to my chest so at least the Rudoph nose is going. My hubby's been keeping my fed with homemade soup and fruit. It has been years since I had a cold this bad. Let's hope we're all better soon. :)

kalahuchi profile image

You're in good company; I've got a rotton cold too and my husband is in a bit of a strop because I've passed it on to him. Hang on in there Rachel; healthy eating can't take your cold away, but you'll feel so much better when it starts to go and you didn't weaken! Hope you're feeling better soon and just remember - you probably won't taste much until your cold's better anyway x

Ahh, thank you everyone bless ya 😘 I really haven't had a cold like this ever too - it's been a shocker. I only work 2 days a week and I had to have last week off because of it but I can't afford this week off as well so I'll have to push through it tomorrow 😣

Thank you for the advice, I learn something new every time I log on to this site. You are all fabulous! Xx

i'm eating healthier Hidden not doing low fat, just cutting out all the rubbish ie crisps, chocolate and alcohol x

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Moderation in all things except fun πŸ˜†

This healthy eating business is trickier than I thought πŸ€” I've had 3 lots of what you would call 'proper carbs' today excluding vegetables. A small portion of muesli, small slice of quiche and a handful of new potatoes. No fruit at all. Is this a reasonable amount or too much? X

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

I eat carbs but try to use mostly wholegrain, porrige/wholemeal bread, rice, pasta etc. three times a day, about 25-50g. Its all about portion size and a balance of nutrients. (I prefer wholemeal because I stay full for longer as well as general health benefits)

Are you following the NHS 12 week plan? There is lots of advice, weekly food charts to complete and weekly emails ☺ Changing our eating habits takes time, and it's not necessary to be 100% "healthy" all the time. However, please read the label on the muesli as some brands can be high sugar and calorie. Also, quiche can be quite calorific. But the beauty of a calorie counted plan is that nothing is banned ☺

in reply to IndigoBlue61

I have downloaded the plan but have yet to have a proper look at it. With being ill and toddler twins to look after I haven't had much energy to think straight yet ha. I was just concentrating on eating the best I can for the moment x

Thanks for your help both of you πŸ˜ƒ I most definitely ate more than 150g worth of carbs then yesterday but still less than I would have. I have downloaded MFP today and adjusted the calories to 1550 as 1300 seemed very low to start with eek!

I also adjusted the carbs, lowering them to just under 150 and upped the protein to just under 150 keeping the fat the same??

As for my horrendous cold, I went to work but my boss promptly sent me off to the Dr's and it's a good job as it turns out I have a chest and ear infection πŸ€’πŸ˜· currently sat at home with almost 20 quid worth of medication and yet another day's pay down boohoo xx

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