Hi, I have finally signed up after months of just viewing peoples comments. Everyone on here are always positive and encouraging, so thought this might be the boost I need to lose weight, its out there now I weigh 16 st 7 Ib putting on 8Ib during Dec, in the obese (I really hate that word) category. I have signed up to weight watchers as I thought it might encourage me more if I pay. I need to lose about 5 and half st to reach my goal so need to set small realistic targets as I just seem to full off the wagon after 2 weeks of trying. First target for end of the month - 4 IB loss, hopefully that is reasonable, I am breastfeeding at the moment so can not loose too much at a time. I have a long way to go but I need to do this for my little boy.
Newby - Finally found the courage to p... - Weight Loss Support
Newby - Finally found the courage to post.

Well done for taking that first step. If you are breast feeding it is important to make sure you have plenty of calcium rich foods (milk, yogurt, cheese) and a good balanced diet. To start with just cut out the rubbish and stay away from processed foods. Good luck and keep posting x
You're off to a positive start! Good luck!
Well done on posting. If you are feeding be kind to yourself as it is exhausting and makes you very hungry! From memory thirsty as well. If you can make sure you have lots of water to keep hydrated and maybe some healthy snacks for between meals. Also maybe try cooking some big portions for the freezer (bolognaise, cottage pie, casserole, etc) so that you always have something easy to eat that doesn't involve a lot of cooking. I know it's chilly at the mo but I found a daily walk with the pram was good for getting some exercise and getting out of the house. Not sure if that is feasible but might help get into the routine of a little bit of exercise. I used to walk to the garden centre for a cup of tea if the weather was rubbish! It sounds like you have already started on your mini targets which is a great way to break things down. Baby steps will get you there, one small step at a time. Good luck and enjoy your time with your little boy.
thank you for your post, I need to stop coming up with excuses for not going out for a walk I keep saying its too cold or it looks like its going to rain or its getting dark now so its too late. When its cold and you are in the warm it is hard to get out the door. Maybe I should try a go out the same time every day or write down a time a say to myself you will go out at this time. Now I am not at work it should be easier.
I know! Especially at this time of year - I had December and February babies and a cosy cuddle on the sofa was always nicer than getting outside. Start small - maybe two walks a week on set days and set times would be a start or perhaps look for a baby group that you could walk to. I found a lovely music group which was walkable (and did tea and a biccy!) which was a good incentive to go somewhere. It will get easier and before you know it you will have to play non-stop football at the park and staying in and won't be an option!
Well i went for a 20 min walk this aftetnoon hopefully i will keep it up. Need to go to post office tomorrow as i missed the postman will walk instead of driving. I will also do a baby class that we can walk to aswell during the week. Thanks for the advice.
Hello izzy1981 and welcome to the forum.
You did two wonderful things today, by summoning the courage to introduce yourself to the forum and heading outdoors for a walk.
In time, you'll hopefully benefit from continuing to doing both.
As for reducing daily calories, speak to your post-natal care specialist for their recommendation on how much you can reduce intake.
Happy New Year and all the very best for 2017.
Well done for grasping the nettle.
Congratulations on your new baby and welcome. Lots of lovely people here to help xx
Hi izzy. You make me remember when my daughter was tiny...how far away those days seem, she will be hitting her teens this year!
Good luck with everything, brilliant that you started posting! x
Welcome to the forum ☺ I always liked weight watchers and follow a similar plan today ☺ Good Luck
I wish you & the wee lad all the luck in China! It seems like yesterday that my wife was asked to go and do a lecture on breast feeding! I was so proud! 🐰🐮🍼Good luck lass. G56