18 months ago my daughter booked her wedding 10th October 2015 and i was determined to lose weight for the wedding album!! now with only 10 months to go (weight loss of only 3lbs during that time) things need to change. I have today signed up for the 12 week diet plan and once the snow leaves my village, plan to do the couch to 5k challenge. I will keep you updated - any words of wisdom/support will be greatly appreciated as you can see motivation is the easy bit - willpower will be the key
Motivation: Mother of the bride - 3 st... - Weight Loss Support
Motivation: Mother of the bride - 3 stone to lose

you can do it hunni, I am getting married 2016 and after intense cancer treatment with steroid based meds I have about 4 stone to lose.......we can do it!! xx
Thank you for the kind encouragement. Managed 2 days in work, with the vast array of unhealthy snacks to stick to the apple and orange i had taken in. you are right and together we can do it. keep me updated on your progress. My first weigh-in is this Sunday. Considering trying the 5:2 option that all keep raving about. i can do the 5 its the 2 i worry about!! xx
Hi Chrissy I'm in the same boat as you. Mother of the Groom in October but in China. I have been ill for a year and piled on the weight but am determined to lose weight in time for the wedding.
Hi Margaret. An exciting time ahead for both of us. keep in touch and together we can achieve our goal to rock the wedding album. My first weigh-in is this Sunday. Will not be joining any slimming clubs as been there done that. This time relying on hubby, family, friends and this site to keep me motivated.
If you eat right and satisfy your appetite on relatively low calorie foods you won't need the will power. Now, if you need will power to leave behind the rubbish foods, then you'll have a challenge! Best wishes and keep looking in the mirror until you see what you want to see!
Break your goal down into smaller steps, feel free to join the Monday weigh in thread
This is a link to Candystripes posts
I am sure she would not mind, she has lost over 4st since joining mid year
I am a maintainer I started jan 13, and was happy with my weight August 13 and have used this site for maintaining Just think how fab you will look in those photos!
I lost three stone on the 5:2 Diet in six months, going from a size 16 to a size 10. It didn't cost me anything to do, apart from buying Kate Harrison's book called "The 5:2 Diet" tinyurl.com/q9dmtkf - no special foods or diet club memberships either - which was fortunate as I had to buy all my skinny jeans! The diet is based on an excellent BBC Horizon programme which aired in August 2012 called "Eat, Fast and Live Longer"tinyurl.com/qzgo7tq - I was 62 at the time so obviously that appealed and at 65 now I've never been as slim or as fit and healthy. I've been the same weight now since April 2013.
You can combine it with eating sensibly following the 12 week plan but it's the two low calorie days which really make a difference. I'd recommend the free app/website called MyFitnessPal to log your calories.
I also did the Couch to 5k running programme which is absolutely excellent, especially the podcasts which I downloaded from nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/... - I've heard the app frequently freezes and lets people down whereas the podcasts just play like any music files.
The Daily Mail are going to be running a series of articles in the New Year about the 5:2 Diet - I'll be featured later in the week unless I end up on the cutting room floor!
was considering this as someone at work has done this over the last 12 months and she lives by it and looks great. Will let you know how i get on. Thanks for the support
Well here I am still loving 5;2 even after Christmas and with the New Year party still to come! I only managed one day fasting last week and might only manage one this week, then back to 5:2 next week. I think I've put back on a pound or maybe two as I have really enjoyed my food over Christmas (my son-in-law is the most fantastic cook and we had a right royal feast on Christmas Day.) But knowing how easily the pounds came off through November, I am confident it is just a minor blip. Happy New Year everyone!
Starting tomorrow in the Daily Mail dailymail.co.uk/home/prmts/...
I should be in it later in the week.