Hi, ive come to the stage where i really *must* lose weight, i am ashamed.. I am trying different exercise dvd's and exercises and none of them really suit me yet I tend to like Charlotte Crosby's belly blitz and I have a treadmill. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks X
Good exercises?: Hi, ive come to the... - Weight Loss Support
Good exercises?

Hello Chaddylivvy and welcome to the forum.
How advanced would you consider your level of fitness?
I'm a couch potato so.. not very..
Your current level of inactivity isn't something that needs to continue indefinitely and is something that can always be improved upon.
Although I regularly undertake HIIT exercise as part of my exercise regime, I understand that a decent level of fitness needs to be developed before such an activity should be considered. It certainly doesn't help that the majority of exercise DVDs are largely geared towards that aim (unhelpful to beginners), so I can appreciate why you may not be experiencing the greatest time in find one that works for you.
However, the fact that you happen to benefit from a home treadmill means that it can be used to develop a decent level of base cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance, not least in the legs, allowing fitness DVDs to be completed far more efficiently.
By simply seeking to ensure that you incorporate 30 seconds of jogging, followed by 60s walking recovery for 20-30 minutes each day, for example, you'll be surprised at how quickly cardiovascular fitness improves. As fitness increases, seek to increase jogging intervals by 10s each week, while reducing walking breaks by the same margin.
Before long, you'll be running for 60s at a time, while walking breaks reduce to 30s. As the weeks go on, you'll begin to find that you're able to run upon the treadmill for up to ten minutes at a time, before feeling the need to introduce a walking break of 60s (providing a period of recovery) before continuing.
As fitness improves, don't increase the speed, raise the incline of the treadmill instead. Your goal is to increase the distance that you're able to run, since a sound level of running fitness/endurance is what allows speed to be developed.
By gradually raising the incline of the treadmill to a level of 2, you'll roughly replicate the same level of effort that running outdoors requires, allowing for a smoother transition to pounding the pavements once the weather improves (if that's something you're aiming towards).
If not, by simply allowing fitness to improve through treadmill running, those DVDs shouldn't appear as tiring or as arduous, since the exercises they include will be executed with far greater verve and vigour.
What a fabulously detailed reply! I am going to try this on my treadmill. There is also some cool music designed for running. On Apple Music or Deezer you can select the tracks that have different tempos depending on how fast you want to go. I find 'let's get excited' by Alesha Dixon is my fav track to get me moving in the gym. Good luck!
I've tried the Davina DVDs, and they're good. Try jillian Michaels 30 day shred too, there are 3 levels and each workout is about 20 mins. I used to swap between the DVDs so as not to get bored.
Good luck

Thanks, I'll try them and hopefully I like them ☺
I am sat here empathising with you , but the bottom line is for me , just get on with something , or I'll still be as fat and inactive in three weeks time, still mulling over the best plan!!!!!!!!! So this morning I'm just going to go for it , on my cross trainer , just 15mins at first , but remember to warm up first, and then cool down. Good luck fellow procrastinator .
I use YouTube a lot for exercise guidance, it means I can try lots of different things without having to spend a lot of money on DVDs and if the one I'm doing doesn't suit me I can just search for another. I like British Heart foundation 10 minute living room work out, biggest loses power
walk and Jenny Ford Dance fitness workout. Good luck, I hope you find something you enjoy x
If you are looking to lose weight then that starts in the kitchen. Have you worked out your BMI and what your daily calorie intake should be to lose weight? Keep a food diary and weigh absolutely everything. Cut down on pasta, potatoes, rice, bread no added sugars and no alcohol. Couple this with your exercise regime and the weight will fly off! Good luck.
Just butting in Kantara I think you have hit the nail on the head regarding the kitchen. First thing to throw out there - the Biscuit tin! The rest of your advice was spot on that is the mantra I have been following and have lost lose 8lbs in three months but not enough discipline. I should have lost that earlier. Never mind, I will try to be more weightloss minded when I am in the kitchen. Excellent advice, thank you