Hi Everyone, I'm just starting out and am looking for some low impact exercises I can. I've had 49 operations on my hip including a hip replacement and muscle reconstruction and suffer from arthritis. If anyone can suggestion any exercises I can do that will strength my muscles and burn calories, I would be very grateful. 😊
Low Impact Exercises : Hi Everyone, I'm... - Weight Loss Support
Low Impact Exercises

Wow good for you for wanted to stay active and fit! Inspirational!
I used to do step ups on a wiifit board, its only about 2 inches thick but was low impact, was great to get me started as i have fibro and joints were painful but as i got fitter was able to up the speed, time, intensity by raising knees on each step etc.. would an exercise bike help, start slow and build it up. Or simply walking more each day. Wish you all the best
Thank you so much for your suggestions, my daughters got the wiifit so I'm going to give it a try. I have tried the bike but found it to be too painful, as no longer have any muscles on one side of my bum. I do try walking a little bit more each week, pain permitting.
Wishing you all the best.
Hi there, not sure if this will help, but I have these 1 kg weights at my bedside and when I am lying down or propped up in bed I use these lifting up in the air as many times as I can then rest and repeat. Then I will put both arms out to the side then lift them back to the centre as many times rest and repeat. I also stand and box with them. Try punching with them as many times as you can. This will burn calories and not strain your hip. Maybe swimming can help you as well.
As I said not sure if this helps but I hope it does.
Good luck
Thanks for the suggestions, that's a brilliant idea, I have weights but would never of thought of doing that with them. I'm definitely going to give that a try. I do love swimming but struggle to find someone to go with me, as I can't get in and out of the pool myself.
Thanks again and good luck to you too
May sound silly but incase you've overlooked it by far the best low impact exercise in the world has to be walking. Start of gentle, stay in control add some inclines when you can, even just standing for periods instead of sitting increases core muscle strength and balance.
You're right walking is possibly one of the best things I can do, although I am limited to how far I can walk due to pain and the fact that a rely on a crutch but I'm determined to do this. So I have bought a pedometer to encourage me to walk that little bit further each day.
when i had one of my hips rebuilt i spent lots of time in the pool at the hospital doing light exercise to build it back up worked great on me and got me fitter

Would love to swim, as I know how good it is for my hip. Hopefully I can find someone to help me in out the pool.
Hey, my personal favourite exercise is using the cross trainer at the gym as it is very low impact so shouldn't affect your joints as much as say a treadmill might. Also I believe swimming is incredibly low impact, works plenty of muscle groups and is a great cardiovascular exercise.
Hope everything goes well for you