So only one week in and I have had a blow out already! My mistake was to stand on the scales yesterday to see if I'd lost weight. I had tried really hard, done 4 lots of exersize and was expecting at least a 5lb loss for my first week and had only lost 2 1/2lbs.
My sensible brain tells me "I can see where I ate things I shouldn't have and that 2 1/2 pounds is in the right direction and that I should look at the difference it has all made to my mental attitude and how much better I feel about myself already" ...
but no I listened to my all or nothing brain that said "You're never going to loose this weight, what were you thinking before christmas, you've got such a long way to go and 2lb's at a time is going to be so slow". It was also my first day back at work after 5 weeks off with stress so I binged all day and now feeling dreadful about myself.
My 'beat yourself up' brain is telling me " you've blown it now, what's the point this week when you have 3 christmas do's to go to, you might as well give up and start again after christmas, you don't have the staying power".
My sensible brain is trying to shout over the top with " But if you carry on like this you'll be over 17 stone come christmas and feel terrible about yourself, at least go for a run today and you'll feel better. It's only one blow out and you need to do this for yourself and your family. If you sort it out and have a good week you could still loose and be OK." I wish all the other brains would just shut up if I'm honest! Not a great start