Not the diagnosis I wanted and wagon f... - Weight Loss Support

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Not the diagnosis I wanted and wagon fall off..

2 Replies

Now had my consultant appointment (was last Thursday), contrary to what I was told by a different doctor, I don't have quick fix compartment syndrome. :(

I apparently have Sciatica, which will require long term rehabilitation or something. Not the outcome I was looking for. I also need an MRI scan, as I am only 24, he said that it is very unusual for someone my age to have sciatica and for as long as I have (I've knowingly had symptoms since I was 18), so he needs to check that there is nothing serious going on (yay....).

He also told me, well, advised me, that I shouldn't start my running up again until things get better. So, I lost all interest after Thursday morning and ended up putting on .5lbs this week. Not shocked or upset really.

So frustrated that I'm not allowed to start my running!! It is basically the only form of exercise that I really, really do enjoy (and it's free), I was very much looking forward him saying we'll do this, then you can get back on the road! I have already had friends and family suggest cycling, speed walking etc. But it affects my knees when I walk up stairs and use a bike, it affects my legs if I walk over a certain speed or up and incline and my feet and back, if I'm standing/walking for too long.

I have tried swimming, but I really don't enjoy it, the pools around me are expensive and with the rise in petrol costs going to and from during the week - I definitely don't live in walking distance - I can't afford it.

I know there are home video workouts etc, but I really don't enjoy them at all. Running was, is, the only form of exercise that I know I really love, it gave me a reason to start enjoying exercising, gave me goals in improving my distance etc and it felt like the only thing I had ever properly committed to haha. But now I'm being told I can't do that for a long time. My aunt wants me to go to her yoga/pilates group with her, but it's £9 a session and I'd want to go more than once a week to make it worth it and get the benefits. Just once a week is nearly £40 a month though.

I am at a loss as to what to do. I tried to go for a run the other week and I just died through pain. I wasn't even worn out properly. I really don't know what else to do and I know I'm self sabotaging by emotional eating because of it - hence the .5lb gain :'( Falling in to a vicious circle here and I know I'm limiting myself exercise wise. I've started to drop my calorie limit down to 1400 (recommended is 1600 from NHS BMI calculator). I have 70lbs to lose to get to where I want to ultimately be, I'm not sure just food alone will get me there......

2 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Hidden

I'm so sorry you had difficult news from the doctor 😕 It's never easy to cope with health issues and chronic pain is very wearing on your mood and self esteem 😕 You have my sympathy, and trust me, I do understand

I'm not going to offer exercise solutions, you have been through them all, but hope that with weight loss more options will open up 😊

But I want to reassure you that you can lose weight without exercise. This is something you can do, it won't cost money, and gaining control will help your mood. It's never easy, but remember that stress and anxiety play havoc with hormones that affect weight loss, so you need to be kind to your self 😊 I would also check your bmi as 1400 calories sounds quite low.

I know you find walking difficult, but just 10-15 minutes outside in the daylight really helps your mood as well as giving us valuable winter vitamin D 😊

Hope you come to terms and are soon feeling a bit brighter 😊

Best wishes

wa2un7 profile image

I do sympathise. I have had one bout of sciatica just after I retired and I have never experienced another pain like it. Hope doctors can do something to help💐💐

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