Weight loss tips : Hi I'm Gladys I'm 5... - Weight Loss Support

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Weight loss tips

Gladysdown profile image
11 Replies

Hi I'm Gladys I'm 50 years old I've a lot of health problems many caused by my being obese and I want to loose weight so I can help my own health but also my youngest daughter who's 27 and obese too we really would appreciate any help to get us along the right track to loosing weight she's already made progress as she started the gym in her college I have high blood pressure high collesteral fatty liver fibermaligia and muscular skeletal disease I just want to get a health life style back as I'm still young with 6 grandkids which I'd love to be around to see we have made many changes in our life style already we don't fry or add any oils to our cooking we don't even own a deep fat fryer only things fried in our house is eggs and that's not even one a week maybe once a fortnight cut out how much breead and sugar we eat so any help would be appreciated thanks for reading and listening to my rant

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11 Replies
Anon-E-Mouse profile image

Hi Gladysdown

Welcome to the NHS Weight Loss Forum. It's a very friendly, encouraging and helpful site, where we are all on the same journey to health.

If you haven't already, please read the Welcome Newbies post. It's in the Pinned Posts section, to the right of your screen, (bottom if you're on a mobile). It has a link to the NHS 12 week plan, which is a great place to start. It doesn't give a specific diet plan, but gives guidelines for healthy eating. Also take a look at the Topics section beneath that, for posts that could answer any questions you may have. You may also like to check out how many calories you should have each day using the BMI checker.

Perhaps consider joining in our challenges, they're fun to do and help with motivation.

Join us for the Monday Group weigh-in. If you 'follow' Lowcal and moreless (our very approachable site Admins), you'll be notified when they post the threads. The latest weigh-in thread can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the home page. The weigh in is entirely voluntary, but I find it helps keep me accountable.

Be active on the forum, as that's where we exchange ideas and get our daily dose of motivation and inspiration. 😄

Enjoy the forum, and I wish you success with your goals.

Good luck 😀

Mouse 🐭

MrNiceGuy profile image

Hello Gladys.

Despite current health conditions, all is certainly not lost.

The best advice I can offer is to ascertain how many calories you both require to maintain existence (BMR) and how many are required to satisfy daily energy demands (TDEE).

As such, research BMR/TDEE calculators to attain figures for both.

Having obtained the figures, seek to introduce a daily calorie deficit from TDEE (preferably 500Kcal), ensuring that the deficit introduced doesn’t take you below BMR, bearing in mind that as weight reduces, the body will require fewer calories to satisfy both, so the calculation should be re-performed with every 7lbs lost, to reduce the risk of a plateau.

Secondly, the most important thing you can do is to reduce consumption of simple carbohydrate (cakes, pastries and white varieties of bread, rice, potato and pasta) in favour of complex alternatives, whilst also seeking to include the consumption of quinoa and beans alongside vegetables.

By replacing white with wholemeal sources, you’ll reduce the rate at which insulin is secreted into the bloodstream to break down the sugars, aiding weight loss.

Aim to ensure that lean protein accounts for 35% of daily intake and that fat is obtained from healthier sources, such as olive and coconut oil, seeds, fish and nuts.

By keeping protein intake at 35%, the risk of losing existing muscle mass will be greatly reduced, allowing weight to be lost from body fat, instead.

Working upon a 35/40/25 split between protein, carbohydrate and fat (with each calculated as a percentage of intake after your daily calorie deduction from TDEE), you’ll gain an idea of how many calories ought to be consumed between the respective groups.

If you wish to convert the quantities into grams, for example, since protein and carbohydrate each contain 4Kcal and fat 9Kcal per gram, simply divide the calorific amounts by the above.

Whilst your muscular-skeletal condition may restrict, in addition to introducing a daily calorie deficit, by seeking to increase the level of calorie expenditure through an activity that doesn’t exacerbate symptoms, you’ll enjoy an improved level of weight loss, even if that activity is something as gentle as walking or swimming.

Hello you in the right place lots of help what I have done is smaller portions I use a smaller plate all the time and plan the days food and only eat what's on your plan so your eating the right amount of cal you should to lose weight all the best Kim xx

albinohedgehog profile image

Helll and welcome!

I have fibro too. I am now doing Dr Myhills Stoneage diet mostly, which is helping me with some health issues, and has reduced my need to constantly eat. I am also calorie counting.

Here is a link


Or you can do the NHS 12 week plan.

Good luck with your weightloss journey! You can do it.

DeborahDuckworth profile image

Hi Gladys I'm 53, so I relate to you. I love the replies you have received so far, very interesting. I thought I'd tell you what my doctor said to me a week ago when I asked for advice about stopping binge eating. She took a piece of paper from her prescription pad and a pair of scissors, cut a leaf shape out then handed it to me. First thing you have to do is turn a new leaf. Fortunately I laughed because her advice was true. So I stuck the prescribed leaf up where I can see it. Now is the hard part. What to do next. I've tried going to every slimming group going, didn't work for me so I'm making a few changes. Such as Freya said. Im going to write every thing I eat down in a book. Im going to cut back Choclate to a minimum, (if I crack I'll have a finger of fudge, which I will buy at the time. ) I won't have naughty food in the house. That's a start anyway. Good luck. Xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and good luck! Portion size was key to my losing weight 😊 The best thing is you don't need to starve yourself, just reduce calorie intake slightly, and weight will cone off! 😊

Ottomummy profile image
OttomummyHealthy BMI

I agree, portion control sooo important and if you must snack, do so healthily. And also, as Deborah said, you really got to want to change. Change your relationship with food... imagine yourself playing actively with them and turn your back on the calories. Good luck to you.

Hi I wonder if you and your daughter would find overeaters anon helpful. I lost about 15 stone with them a while back and didnt put any weight back on over a 15 year period. Eventually I did start to gain weight but have discovered that was due to thyroid issues. It might also be a good idea to post on thyroid uk as having a lot of health issues can be due to low thyroid hormones and thyroid illness is not always picked up by NHS. I am currently finding the myfitnesspal app or website very helpful and have been advised to practice mindfullness. I nolonger feel that overeaters anonymous is right for me and I am nolonger comfortable with the spiritual element although most people would find it acceptable and complementory to other religious practices or none.

Hi Gladys,

Good luck with your healthy eating campaign. You sound very determined, so I am sure that you will get good results.

My suggestions are:

Regard it as a change in lifestyle, and a marathon, not a print. You don;t mention how much you have to lose, but if you have been told you are obese, then it will be a good few pounds, so accept that it will take as long as it takes to get rid of them. But, as the chinese say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So the weight will go, if you keep at it.

Whatever else you do, make sure you eat at least 2 portions of low cal vegetables with your lunch and 3 with your dinner. If you aren't a veg fan, treat them as medicine and just get them down you. They are good for you, and extremely filling. You'll be surprised how much they fill you up.

Avoid snacks - some people advocate 2 snacks and 3 meals a day. I don;t - I think you should keep your eating to meal times only, and make your meals as nice and appetising as you can so you don't feel deprived. There is some evidence now that your body likes it better if it has a break from digesting, and eating only at meal times gives it that.

Set an eating window during the day - I eat between 9am and 7pm a day, and fit my 3 meals in that time span. Again, this gives your body a mini fast every day, and this appears to be very good for you. Set your time window to suit your lifestyle. if you're working full time you might want breakfast earlier, for example.

Cook for yourself as much as possible and avoid manufactured foods. Every now and again, a low cal TV dinner is fine, but you should mostly cook from scratch. There are lots of home-made meals which don't take long to cook and don't require too many ingredients. I often eat an omelette or even scrambled eggs for my evening meals, for example, or a tin of mackerel or tuna, or cold cooked chicken with a few potatoes and veg is nice.

It's probably a good idea to cut back on cabohydrate. I love carbs and can't face the low carb diet myself, but I have cut down, eg eat an egg and 1 slice of toast for breakfast instead of 2 slices of toast. Rather than a sandwich at lunch, have one slice of bread, and the filling on the side.

Exercise, and keep active, as much as you can. Depending on how fit you are now, you can try walking as much as possible, standing rather than sitting, chair exercises, stretching while you're waiting for the kettle to boil. Every little helps. I do recommend the gym - all shapes and sizes go there, and people really don't judge you, in fact they usually admire people who are tackling their weight, so it might be worth a try joining a gym and getting a programme worked out fo you.

Finally, if you have a bad day, just draw a line under it, and start the next day as though nothing has happened. Similarly if you get an invite to a wedding ot big family event. Exert self control as much as you can, but do enjoy yourself - treat occasions as a day when maintenance rather than weight loss is your goal.

My credentials for my advice - I m 57 years old (nearly 58!). I started at 11 stone 3lbs and am now 9 stone 2lbs, trying to get down to around 8 stone 6lbs (I am quite a petite build). When I stick to my programme I don't have any real problem losing 1-2lbs a week. When I fall off the wagon, my weight stays steady or creeps up. So, while it is harder the older you are, it is certainly not impossible to lose weight. Sometimes I surprise myself with how much I can still eat and yet still the weight goes down, when I stick to my diet plan.

I hope that gives you some encouragement! Good luck!

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024

It's not a rant at all my brother and I stopped eating bread and potatoes completely it made a massive difference. Try to eat normal natural food no packet meals. Calorie control is far more effective than exercise at first. Please do this for yourself. As some model said there is nothing tastes as good as being slim. I would rather reduce my calorie intake and keep busy drink water when I'm hungry than just keeping going on as I am and then keep feeling sad. I didn't think I could do it because I am 62 but I have lost two stone two pounds since June. Good luck few pound at a time and a day at a time. 😊

Windswept1 profile image

Well done for taking action. I know someone who was obese and lost weight over a period of time. He has turned around all of his health issues. Lots of help and advice on this forum. Good luck with your journey.

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